Working In These Times

What We Miss: Howard Zinn, 1922-2010
Richard Greenwald

Workers File Lawsuit, Take Wage Theft Fight to Swank Chicago Restaurant
Micah Uetricht
Will Senate Take Real Action on Jobs—or Just Pander to Republicans?
Art Levine

UE Election Victory: Drivers at Hemisphere’s Largest ‘Inland Port’ Join the Fold
Kari Lydersen

Obama’s Double Talk on Exports and Jobs
Michelle Chen

As Milwaukee’s Economy Fails, How Can Public Schools Succeed?
Roger Bybee

‘Reel Profits, Real Poverty’: Security Guards Organize in Hollywood
Rose Arrieta
GOP’s Star Anti-Union Witness Exposed
Lindsay Beyerstein

Tough Fights in Senate, as GOP Blocks Obama Labor Appointees (Updated)
David Moberg
Dems Need to Sharply Re-Focus on Workers’ Plight
Roger Bybee

Amid Toyota Recall, UAW Rallies Against Company’s Factory Closing
Akito Yoshikane

Calif. Mineworkers Locked Out After Contract Rejection
Emily Udell

AFL-CIO, Progressives Condemn ‘Timid’ Obama Budget, Push for Stronger Action
Art Levine

Will Obama’s Budget Keep an Eye on Your Kids?
Michelle Chen

Pushed by Unions, Single-Payer Passes Calif. Senate
Seth Sandronsky

Jose Naranjero’s Long Walk To Work
Alexandra Early
Electioneering, AFL-CIO and the Supreme Court
Lindsay Beyerstein
Weekly Round-Up: Workers Challenge Sodexo, Dollar General, Toyota
Jennifer Braudaway