Working In These Times

Clean Coal Jobs? Author Mines History to Dispel Myths
Kari Lydersen

Will High-Profile Hearings Sink Wall Street Pirates?
Roger Bybee

‘Human Trafficking Prevention Month’ Aims to Stop $9 Billion Business
Rose Arrieta

Unions Mobilize to Help Haitian Earthquake Victims
Lindsay Beyerstein
Teamsters Council Ousts Reform Leader from Chicago Presidency
David Moberg

Record Number of Americans Now on Food Stamps
Akito Yoshikane

Post-Migration America? Staying in Place in Dire Times
Stephen Franklin

Call for Participants: Home-Based Worker Organizing Forum in April!
Steve Early
As Mid-Term Election Nears, Get Ready for GOP Populist Pitch
Roger Bybee

West Va. Governor Joins Activist Rally Against Sale of Verizon
Rand Wilson

Sustainable Recovery: Can Labor Get Green Off the Ground?
Michelle Chen

Trumka Slams Health Plan, Warns Dems—But Is Compromise Brewing?
Art Levine
In Trade, Too Often, the Victim is Blamed
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President

The Greatest Auto Show on Earth: UAW vs. Tea Baggers in Detroit
Lindsay Beyerstein

‘We Are Furious,’ Say United Flight Attendants
Carl Finamore
Sex Workers Risk Violence, Arrest—What Can be Done?
Kari Lydersen
More Job Losses in December. Will Congress Act?
David Moberg
House Revolts Over Excise Tax, White House Asks Unions to ‘Celebrate’ It
Art Levine