In These Times Senior Editor David Moberg Gives Rahm Emanuel “D” on Jobs, Economy
Kevin Solari

Monday, In These Times Senior Editor David Moberg appeared on Chicago’s NPR affiliate, WBEZ, for their series “Grading Rahm,” assessing Rahm Emanuel’s first term as mayor. Moberg, who wrote about the Chicago labor movement’s fraught relationship with Emanuel for our most recent issue, contributed to the discussion surrounding Emanuel and his efforts to create jobs and fuel the Chicago economy.
Moberg gave the mayor a “D,” citing the emphasis Emanuel has put toward revitalizing the downtown area while neglecting other parts of the city. “One of the major short comings of the mayor’s economic record is this continued inequality, the cliché of ‘Two Chicagos’ that continues to exist. I think the kind of focus he’s brought to big projects, close to downtown, doesn’t do anything to reverse that record.”