Instead of Watching Trump’s Speech, Watch This 12 Year Old Eviscerate the Immigration Crackdown

Leah, whose parents are undocumented, slammed Trump’s “evil” family separations.

In These Times Editors

Leah, a 12 year old and the daughter of undocumented immigrant parents, joins MoveOn, National Domestic Workers Alliance, and hundreds of allies at a rally at the White House to tell President Donald Trump and his administration to stop separating kids from their parents on June 30, 2018 in Washington, DC.Ê (Photo by Paul Morigi/Getty Images for

President Donald Trump is slated to give a national address Tuesday at 9:00 p.m. eastern time to discuss, as he put it, the Humanitarian and National Security crisis on our Southern Border.”

"Why don’t they care about us children?”

But Leah, the daughter of undocumented parents, says the real humanitarian crisis is the Trump administration’s brutal separation of families — at the border and throughout the country.

Leah, 12 years old when she addressed the Families Belong Together” rally in Washington, D.C. last June, identified herself as the proud daughter of a domestic worker who loves me very much.”

The government is separating and detaining refugee parents and children at the border who are looking for safety,” she told the cheering crowd. Our government also continues to separate u.s. citizen children like me from their parents every day.”

This is evil,” she continued. It needs to stop.”

Don’t they have a family too?” Leah demanded. Why don’t they care about us children?”

The full speech can be viewed below.

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