Adam Doster, a contributing editor at In These Times, is a Chicago-based freelance writer and former reporter-blogger for Progress Illinois.
In June 2006, Doster joined In These Times as an editorial intern. A journalist based in Chicago, he has covered topics such as the labor movement, education, and electoral organizing for The Nation, The American Prospect, The Chicago Reader and WireTap, among others. In November 2007, he won the Campaign for College Affordability’s essay contest for his piece “When College Ends, So Does Activism.”
Doster graduated with university honors from the University of Michigan in 2007. While in Ann Arbor, he served as the managing editor of The Michigan Independent, a monthly progressive magazine.

GOP Dirty Tricks 2.0
Republican officials continue their campaign against "voter fraud"
Adam Doster
Adam Doster
Liveblogging—Real American
Adam Doster
Liveblogging— Patrick, South Side born and raised
Adam Doster
Liveblogging- Which Strickland?
Adam Doster
Liveblogging-RIP Tubbs-Jones
Adam Doster
Liveblogging-Lucy and Mark
Adam Doster
Liveblogging—Bad speakers
Adam Doster
Change We All Believe In
Progressive activists, leaders gather in Denver for convention kick-off event
Adam Doster

The Mess is the Message
Adam Doster
Write-in John Quincy Addams
Adam Doster
Chris Hayes is a machine
Adam Doster
Someone please ask him this question!
Adam Doster
If Pawlenty is ever named VP ...
Adam Doster
Resettlement of Iraqi translators slow
Adam Doster

Expand the Vote
The Obama campaign’s voter registration drive could radically alter the electoral map this fall
Adam Doster
Bogus science in CO
Adam Doster

Sam’s Club Politics
Adam Doster
Corruption crusader stuck in Iraq
Adam Doster
Sunday link dump
Adam Doster
We know which way you’ll have it
Adam Doster
The endless, unwinnable war
Adam Doster
Green Zone Spring Breakkkk!!!!
Adam Doster
Bush taking on credit cards?
Adam Doster
McCain revising the Cold War
Adam Doster
SCOTUS upholds voter ID law
Adam Doster
Visible man
Adam Doster

They Can’t Go Home Again
With their country ravaged by Bush's war, Iraqi refugees find the United States indifferent to their plight
Adam Doster
I’m on ... TV!?!
Adam Doster
House delays Colombia trade pact
Adam Doster
Hey Obama kids, get off my lawn!
Adam Doster
Deferred justice agreements
Adam Doster
Good ‘ole independent media
Adam Doster
No NYC congestion pricing
Adam Doster
Afternoon link dump
Adam Doster
Which should come first: climate or health care reform?
Adam Doster
Superdelegate chart of the day
Adam Doster
Blackwater’s new contract
Adam Doster
CNN looks at the Race Chasm
Adam Doster
The bigger global crisis
Adam Doster
Wednesday night war links
Adam Doster
Man, I could use an expense account
Adam Doster
What to ask Petraeus?
Adam Doster
Bears and Balls
Adam Doster
Hey McCain, Sadr begs to differ
Adam Doster
Yoo memo outsourcing
Adam Doster
A sorcerer’s apprentice
Adam Doster
Rearranging the chairs on the deck of the Hindenburg
Adam Doster