Andrea Plaid’s work on race, gender, sex and sexuality has appeared at Newsweek.com, Vogue.com, Bitch.com and Rewire, among others. She is writing the forthcoming stylebook, Penning with the People, for the TFW/University of Arizona Press. She lives in Detroit.

Cover StoryInterview
Democrats Need To Be Even Better on Abortion To Win the “Blue Tsunami” They Need
An interview about the midterms with reproductive justice pioneer Loretta Ross.
Andrea Plaid

Cover Story
How Democrats Won and Lost
And what the surprising results mean for the Left.
Maurice Mitchell, Varshini Prakash, George Goehl, Andrea Plaid, Kristian Hernandez and Branko Marcetic

Don’t ‘Arquette’ Hillary Clinton
Will Clinton's 2016 campaign, like in 2008, be used to pit women and people of color against each other (as though the two don't overlap)?
Andrea Plaid

What To Expect From New York’s Black Feminist First Lady
Can we embrace Chirlane McCray without smothering her?
Andrea Plaid