How Democrats Won and Lost
And what the surprising results mean for the Left.
Maurice Mitchell, Varshini Prakash, George Goehl, Andrea Plaid, Kristian Hernandez and Branko Marcetic

How Democrats Won and Lost the 2022 Midterms
by Maurice Mitchell
The Left Has a Lot to Celebrate After the Surprising Midterm Results
by Branko Marcetic
Democrats Can’t Be Counted On to Stop the MAGA Right, So Socialists Are Stepping Up
by Kristian Hernandez
Democrats Need To Be Even Better on Abortion To Win the “Blue Tsunami” They Need
by Andrea Plaid
How to Fix the Pathetic Florida Democratic Party
by Hamilton Nolan
Democrats Must Invest in Young People If They Want to Win
by Varshini Prakash
Maurice Mitchell is the national director of the Working Families Party.
Varshini Prakash is the executive director of Sunrise Movement.
George Goehl is a longtime community organizer. He is the host of To See Each Other, a documentary podcast about rural organizing, and the former director of People’s Action, a national people’s organization working in urban, suburban and rural communities.
Andrea Plaid’s work on race, gender, sex and sexuality has appeared at,, and Rewire, among others. She is writing the forthcoming stylebook, Penning with the People, for the TFW/University of Arizona Press. She lives in Detroit.
Kristian Hernandez is chair of the Democratic Socialists of America’s National Political Committee.
Branko Marcetic is a staff writer at Jacobin magazine and a 2019-2020 Leonard C. Goodman Institute for Investigative Reporting fellow. He is the author of Yesterday’s Man: The Case Against Joe Biden.