Flint Taylor is a founding partner of the People’s Law Office in Chicago. He is one of the lawyers for the families of slain Black Panther leaders Fred Hampton and Mark Clark, has represented many survivors of Chicago police torture over the past 30 years and is counsel in several illegal search and wrongful death cases brought against the Milwaukee Police Department.

Federal Appeals Court Rejects Torture Survivor’s Case
Darrell Cannon was unjustly imprisoned for more than two decades, yet received just $1,247 in compensation.
G. Flint Taylor

Illinois Attorney General Fights to Stop Jon Burge’s Pension Payments
The former police commander has raked in thousands while in prison for lying about torturing detainees.
G. Flint Taylor

How the FBI Conspired to Destroy the Black Panther Party
The assassination of BPP leader Fred Hampton in 1969 was just the beginning.
G. Flint Taylor