Hamilton Nolan is a labor writer for In These Times. He has spent the past decade writing about labor and politics for Gawker, Splinter, The Guardian, and elsewhere. More of his work is on Substack.

You can reach him at Hamilton@InTheseTimes.com. 
The Weird and Stupid Teamsters Non-Endorsement Fiasco
Refusing to endorse a presidential candidate will do nothing to stop Trump and the GOP’s war on workers.
Hamilton Nolan
ViewpointElection 2024
Democracy Despises a Coronation
Let the DNC be a battle. It's healthy. We'll kick Trump's ass on the other side.
Hamilton Nolan
LaborViewpointElection 2024
What the Left Needs From the Post-Biden Democrats
From demanding an end to the war on Gaza to a stronger labor movement, now is the time for the U.S. Left to make its voice heard.
Hamilton Nolan
ViewpointElection 2024
Onward, Christian Soldiers—To War!
At this year’s National Conservatism Conference, a right-wing army prepares to rise.
Hamilton Nolan
Those Who Hate Public Sector Unions Also Hate Democracy. It's Not a Coincidence.
A huge union win in the Fairfax County schools could be the first of many.
Hamilton Nolan
Union Power Can Change Campus Protests Forever
A strike authorization vote at the University of California over repression of Gaza protesters hints at labor's political potential.
Hamilton Nolan
Can Grocery Workers Take Back Their Union?
Faye Guenther’s multiyear plan to revolutionize the grocery workers union.
Hamilton Nolan
Books Are the Missing Piece of a Unionized American Culture Industry
Organizing book stores like Barnes & Noble could lift up the entire creative underclass.
Hamilton Nolan
The Era of Abundant Labor Reporting Is Coming to an End
Either the labor movement will support journalism, or the good times are finished.
Hamilton Nolan
Forget Elections. Build Your Union.
Political power comes from labor power. Not vice versa.
Hamilton Nolan
The Real A.I. Fight Is About Who Gets the Gains
It's not labor against technology. It's shared progress versus inequality.
Hamilton Nolan
Ten Predictions for Labor in 2024
Our crystal ball shows splintering coalitions, the rise of a new vanguard, and more.
Hamilton Nolan
The UAW Just Challenged the Entire Labor Movement to Get More Ambitious
The United Auto Workers announced a new campaign to organize 150,000 new members at non-union shops. Every other major union should follow suit.
Hamilton Nolan
A General Strike in 2028 Is a Uniquely Plausible Dream
The UAW's call for unions to align their contract expirations is legitimately achievable. But the work starts now.
Hamilton Nolan
How the Government Can Help Build Industrial Unions
Money. For organizing. Give it to us.
Hamilton Nolan
It's Up to Unions to Make the NLRB Matter
The regulatory climate for unions is good. Will they do anything with it?
Hamilton Nolan
A New Idea for New Union Organizing
Unions don't organize enough people. Their structure is the problem.
Hamilton Nolan
The War Over No Strike Clauses Has a New Front Line
In Erie, PA, Wabtec workers are poised to fight for the right to strike.
Hamilton Nolan
Minnesota Just Banned Captive Audience Meetings. Every State Should Follow Suit.
Minnesota just banned captive audience meetings, presumably understanding that it is unreasonable to force working people to attend mandatory meetings at which their boss delivers to them the equivalent of an Ayn Rand book reading.
Hamilton Nolan
Police Unions Are Spitting in the Face of Solidarity
A Florida anti-union bill reminds us why we need to kick cops out of the labor movement.
Hamilton Nolan
At UFCW, A Reform Movement Rises
Can essential workers follow auto workers and revolutionize their union?
Hamilton Nolan
This Is How It Spreads
The raw ingredients are finally in place for the labor movement to plant its seeds everywhere.
Hamilton Nolan
None of This Garbage Is Important
Let's not spend the next two years gleefully hypnotizing ourselves, again.
Hamilton Nolan
Make One Big Higher Ed Union
Campus workers are organizing more than anyone else. It's time for them to unify.
Hamilton Nolan
Change the World and Watch Public Opinion Follow
How to stop letting our crises go to waste.
Hamilton Nolan
The End of the Warrior Met Strike and the Utter Failure of the Democratic Imagination
The Democratic Party blows its chance in Alabama.
Hamilton Nolan
How to Stop AI From Eating Journalism
Ethical standards can also save a lot of human jobs.
Hamilton Nolan
Stop Cowering Before This Half-Bright Florida Fascist
Ron DeSantis wants to break the unions and make a temporary advantage permanent.
Hamilton Nolan
Strikes Are Stronger Than Laws
There's a simple reason why the government can't win unless you let it.
Hamilton Nolan
10 Predictions for Labor in 2023
AI's menace, institutional failures and a labor movement basking in energy not seen in decades.
Hamilton Nolan
Crypto Predators Wage Class War with a Smile
The cryptocurrency bubble reveals the emperor’s new grift.
Hamilton Nolan
How to Fix the Pathetic Florida Democratic Party
To reverse their dismal midterm election performance, Florida Democrats need to embrace working people, the environment and Unite Here.
Hamilton Nolan
The Good Years May Be Over, and Labor Didn't Get Much
The meager returns of Democratic control of the government remind us that true power comes from organizing workers.
Hamilton Nolan
When Unions Back Corporate Mergers, Workers Lose
The UFCW may be contemplating supporting Kroger's mega-merger. That should give every union member a sinking feeling.
Hamilton Nolan
The Gangster Socialists of the Red State Beaches
Insurance may suck, but it doesn't lie.
Hamilton Nolan
Independent Unions Are Great—And Proof of Labor's Broken Institutions
The inspiring wave of independent labor organizing also represents the failure of existing unions.
Hamilton Nolan
The Economy Should Serve People. Not Vice Versa.
A simple shift in perspective can eradicate our taste for austerity.
Hamilton Nolan
Damning Report Shows Unions Have Plenty of Money to Organize—They Just Don't Spend It
For the past decade, organized labor has gotten richer even as it watched its membership decline.
Hamilton Nolan
America Is Breaking the Bargain It Made For Labor Peace
The right wing is starving the government of its ability to guarantee worker rights. Will we let them get away with it?
Hamilton Nolan
Radical Is Now Rational
When reality changes, only fools don't change with it.
Hamilton Nolan
The Elite Vote Against Their Interests, Too
The rich control our party-system and our morals.
Hamilton Nolan
The AFL-CIO's Official New Goal: Continued Decline
The union federation's new organizing plan aims low. Very low.
Hamilton Nolan
Don’t Let a School Shooting Become a Story About the Police
Guns are the issue. A lot of the political establishment wants you to forget that.
Hamilton Nolan
The Amazon Labor Union Victory Shows That Jurisdiction Is Dead
No more arguing over territory or industries—we need multi-union coalitions capable of organizing on a national scale.
Hamilton Nolan
The Rip-Off Economy Will Save Itself. It Won't Save You.
Squandering our national moment of opportunity at capitalism's casino.
Hamilton Nolan
How to Jujitsu the Culture Wars
It's time to make Republicans regret that they ever posed as anti-elites.
Hamilton Nolan
One Simple Trick to Protect Workers from Inflation
Union contracts could ensure economic stability among the working class amid inflation.
Hamilton Nolan
The Mirror of War
The war in Ukraine pits America's capacity for self-reflection against our love for self-deception.
Hamilton Nolan
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