Hamilton Nolan is a labor writer for In These Times. He has spent the past decade writing about labor and politics for Gawker, Splinter, The Guardian, and elsewhere. More of his work is on Substack.

You can reach him at Hamilton@InTheseTimes.com. 
New York City Drivers Cooperative Aims to Smash Uber’s Exploitative Model
The city's first worker-owned ridesharing app gets ready to take on the big boys.
Hamilton Nolan
The Man Building the Bridge Between Labor Rights and Criminal Justice Reform
Jose Garza, the new District Attorney in Austin, is the face of progressive power in Texas.
Hamilton Nolan
Democrats Are Scared to Use Their Best Leverage
They need to start holding hostage the things that Republicans hold dear
Hamilton Nolan
The MAGA Army Tries to Drag America to Hell
Dear Leader Trump's toy soldiers make one last stand on the streets of Washington, DC
Hamilton Nolan
Bernie Sanders Is Actively Running for Labor Secretary
Coy before the election, the Vermont Senator is now rallying support to join the Biden administration cabinet
Hamilton Nolan
Power Comes From Class War, Not Biden
The Left needs workers more than it needs the Democratic Party.
Hamilton Nolan
The Great American Election Catharsis Party
In Philly, MAGA dreams meet mathematical realities.
Hamilton Nolan
Everyone Needs to Be More Furious Right Now
Trump and gangster Republicans are now very openly trying to steal a presidential election.
Hamilton Nolan
Things We Already Know
On Election Day, remember that America has already shown us who it is.
Hamilton Nolan
Remember What They Did
Do not allow the enablers of the Trump administration to rejoin polite society, ever.
Hamilton Nolan
Everyone Loves Our Mass National Hypnosis
After the final Trump-Biden debate, we only get one more chance to snap out of it.
Hamilton Nolan
Shahid Buttar Wants to Take Back San Francisco For the Left
The underdog candidate running against Nancy Pelosi says the House Speaker is rich, entitled and out of touch.
Hamilton Nolan
Risking Your Life For a Trump Rally Means There's Nothing Left to Lose
On the campaign trail in Pennsylvania with Donald Trump, the dead mall candidate.
Hamilton Nolan
Nobody Seems to Grasp How Screwed We Are
A nation on the precipice hears absurd normality from the candidates who are supposed to save us.
Hamilton Nolan
A Bunch of Union Organizers Explain What's Wrong with Unions
We asked the real experts about the gap between public enthusiasm for unions and the lack of actual union members.
Hamilton Nolan
It Is Good When Leaders Experience the Consequences of Their Own Decisions
Trump's Covid diagnosis could help lead to better government through karma.
Hamilton Nolan
Is the Conservative Case for Organized Labor an Oxymoron?
An interview with Oren Cass about the ideas behind his “Conservative Future for the American Labor Movement.”
Hamilton Nolan
Bad America
Our debate recap: A nation decides whether it's time for the final act.
Hamilton Nolan
Trump Is Waging War on the VA's Union, and Workers Are Living in Fear
The biggest public sector union contract in the country could be a disaster without political intervention
Hamilton Nolan
What’s at Stake for the Labor Movement on Election Day? Everything.
Unions hope a Biden presidency will reverse decades of anti-worker policies.
Hamilton Nolan
Who Is Going to Stop Him?
If you don't think that Trump will steal this election, please explain why not.
Hamilton Nolan
Unite Here Is 85% Unemployed and Still Fighting Like Hell
The economically devastated union is knocking on more doors than the entire Democratic Party
Hamilton Nolan
The Confederacy Won't Die Until Florida Does
Election year in the epicenter of lost causes.
Hamilton Nolan
How to Negotiate With People Who Don’t Care If You Die
To win another stimulus bill, the Democrats need to embrace chaos.
Hamilton Nolan
Time For Unions to Give the Democratic Party an Ultimatum
Money spent on organizing is always well spent. You can't say the same about political donations.
Hamilton Nolan
In California, a “Labor Slate” Aims to Redefine the Relationship Between Unions and Politics
From union jobs to Medicare for All, this new pro-worker slate is pushing a progressive platform—and could become a model for how organized labor approaches elections.
Hamilton Nolan
Leverage Is Everything
The striking NBA players have inherent power, but so do you.
Hamilton Nolan
The Failure to Unionize the Tech Industry Will Eat the Labor Movement Alive
The pandemic has made tech stronger, but unions haven't caught up.
Hamilton Nolan
A Pricey Private School Says “Quaker Values” Justify Aggressive Campaign to Destroy Its Union
Brooklyn Friends School takes advantage of a Trump labor board ruling.
Hamilton Nolan
This Terrifying Economic Crisis Will Make Cities Better
Amid the pandemic, the rich are fleeing American cities. That’s a good thing.
Hamilton Nolan
The Future of Homeless Organizing Lives on the Prettiest Street in Philadelphia
Hamilton Nolan
An Injury to Portland Is an Injury to All
Hamilton Nolan
The Former Deadspin People Explain How to Launch a Worker-Owned Media Co-op That Might Succeed
Hamilton Nolan
Child Care Workers Are Now a Mighty Force With a Huge New Union. It Only Took 17 Years.
Hamilton Nolan
California Hospital Workers Strike, Fracturing Pandemic’s Uneasy Labor Peace
Hamilton Nolan
Philly D.A. Larry Krasner Says He’s Ready to Charge Invading Federal Agents with Crimes
He sees a way out of our "drunken stumble" into fascism.
Hamilton Nolan
Teachers Unions Look Like the Last Line of Defense in Trump’s “Reckless” School Reopening Crusade
Hamilton Nolan
There Is No Plan (For You)
Unemployment, evictions, business failure, a pandemic and health crises are all here at once. The federal government doesn't care.
Hamilton Nolan
“Blue Lives Matter” Comes to Brooklyn, and Everyone Screams
In Bay Ridge, pro-police demonstrators were met with the righteous anger of Black Lives Matter.
Hamilton Nolan
The Public Sector’s Right to Strike Is Left Behind in Biden-Bernie Task Force Compromise
Hamilton Nolan
The Future of Homeless Organizing Lives on the Prettiest Street in Philadelphia
Hamilton Nolan
The Coddling of the Elites
Free speech for whom, exactly?
Hamilton Nolan
Police Union Denies Racism, Calls AFL-CIO President “Disgraceful” in Irate Letter
Hamilton Nolan
The Head of the South Dakota AFL-CIO Routinely Posts Ultra Right-Wing Memes on Facebook
Hamilton Nolan
AFL-CIO Leader Richard Trumka Defends Police Unions by Comparing Them to Employers
Hamilton Nolan
Celebrating Juneteenth, Labor Finds Its Voice for Racial Justice
Hamilton Nolan
SEIU President: Expelling Police Unions From the Labor Movement “Has to Be Considered”
Hamilton Nolan
Workers United Branch Calls on AFL-CIO to Expel Police Unions
Hamilton Nolan
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