James Kilgore is a formerly incarcerated activist and researcher based in Urbana, Illinois. He is the author of five books, including Understanding Mass Incarceration: A People’s Guide to the Key Civil Rights Struggle of Our Time. He is currently a Soros Justice Fellow whose work involves building a campaign, Challenging E-Carceration, which is focused on the issue of electronic monitoring. He can be reached at waazn1@gmail.com or @waazn1. He would like to thank Terri Barnes and Emmett Sanders for their work on this article.

Electronic Monitors: How Companies Dream of Locking Us in Our Homes
These are the corporations profiting from e-carceration.
James Kilgore

Shackles Aren’t “Bracelets”: Why We Should Be Concerned About the Marketing of Punitive Technology
Electronic monitors are devices of unfreedom—not decoration.
James Kilgore

Nationwide Prison Strike Against “Slavery in America” Rolls On—Despite Media Blackout
James Kilgore