Jesse Mechanic is a freelance writer and commentator. He runs the Logical Radical newsletter, and has contributed to Mother Jones, In These Times, HuffPost, Truthout and others. Follow him on Twitter: @jmechanic and Instagram: @jessemechanic

Biden’s Marijuana Reform Plan Is a Good Start. He Can’t Stop There.
The Biden administration has taken the first step to ending harsh and discriminatory laws around marijuana. But it’s a far cry from justice for all those impacted.
Jesse Mechanic

Don't Fall for the Israel Apologists' Bad-Faith Accusations of Antisemitism
There's no bigotry in defending Palestinian rights. Any claims to the contrary are part of a cynical ploy to deflect from the crimes of an apartheid state.
Jesse Mechanic

In Georgia, Brian Kemp Put on a Master Class in Voter Suppression
Secretary of State Brian Kemp's shameful voter suppression tactics led to 53,000 registrations being put on hold, 70% of whom were African Americans.
Jesse Mechanic

Are You Sick? Blame Poverty.
Jesse Mechanic

The War on Drugs Is an Abject Failure. Jeff Sessions Just Ramped It Up.
The tide is finally turning against marijuana criminalization. But Sessions just took a giant leap backwards.
Jesse Mechanic