Jim Hightower is the author of six books, including Thieves in High Places (Viking 2003). A well-known populist and former Texas Commissioner of Agriculture, he currently writes a nationally-syndicated column carried by 75 publications. He also writes a monthly newsletter titled The Hightower Lowdown, and contributes to the Progressive Populist.
Rural America
News Flash: Wage Workers and Immigrants Didn’t Create Our “Corporate Kleptocracy”
Jim Hightower
Rural America
Hey Corporate Media, Quit Talking S#&* About the U.S. Postal Service
Jim Hightower
Rural America
The Next Farm Crisis is Here and Farmers Can No Longer Afford to Be Ignored
Jim Hightower
The ‘Sharing Economy’ Is a Sham for Workers
Jim Hightower
Why Bernie Sanders Will, Should and Must Refuse To Drop Out Against Hillary Clinton
It's only the keepers of the established order who want him to bow out now.
Jim Hightower
Corporate PR Flacks Are Trying To Convince You the Trans-Pacific Partnership Will Benefit Workers
Jim Hightower
Bernie Sanders’ Insurgent Campaign Marks the End of Don’t-Rock-the-Corporate-Boat Liberalism
The grassroots is taking charge of Sanders' campaign—and they're not waiting around for the establishment.
Jim Hightower
Why the GOP’s Mexico Fence Fantasy Is a Farce
Environmental damage? Exorbitant cost? Immigrants' ability to find a way around it anyway? No matter! Build The Wall!
Jim Hightower
The Sleaze, Guilt and Punishment of Coal CEO Don Blankenship
Jim Hightower
The Republican Congressional Caucus Has Devolved Into a Comedy of Errors
The antics of the Republican congressional caucus would be funny if they weren't affecting the orderly functioning of our federal government.
Jim Hightower
The Kabuki Theatre That Is the White House’s Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations
Jim Hightower
Even Donald Trump Wants To Eliminate This Tax Loophole for the Rich, Yet Congress Won’t Do It
While dodging through this loophole, hedge fund staffers pay about half the tax rate that kindergarten teachers are assessed.
Jim Hightower
Beyond Loopy
Jim Hightower
Teaching Commercialism
Jim Hightower
Don’t Be an Idiot!
Jim Hightower