Lindsay Beyerstein is an award-winning investigative journalist and In These Times staff writer who writes the blog Duly Noted. Her stories have appeared in Newsweek, Salon, Slate, The Nation, Ms. Magazine, and other publications. Her photographs have been published in the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times’ City Room. She also blogs at The Hillman Blog (, a publication of the Sidney Hillman Foundation, a non-profit that honors journalism in the public interest.
Originally from Vancouver, Canada, Lindsay traveled to Boston to earn a Master’s Degree in philosophy from Tufts University. After graduating from Tufts, Lindsay moved to New York City where she briefly worked in pharmaceutical advertising and started her blog Majikthise.
Majikthise was initially conceived as an amalgam of analytic philosophy and liberal politics. However, the politics gradually eclipsed the philosophy as Lindsay spent more and more of her time chronicling the abuses of the Bush administration. Eventually, Majikthise began supplementing her opinion writing with original reporting.
In 2005, Lindsay traveled to New Orleans to cover the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Later that year, her blog readers funded her live coverage of Tom DeLay’s first court appearance in Austin, Texas on money laundering charges. Other major stories she has covered include the New York Transit Strike and the closing days of the Allen/Webb senate race in Virginia in the 2006 midterm elections.
In 2006 Lindsay quit her day job in advertising to pursue journalism full-time. She joined the investigative team at Raw Story as a national correspondent specializing in labor, immigration, and crime issues, and worked as a metro reporter for Chelsea Now.
Lindsay lectures regularly on blogging and journalism. In April 2007, she delivered the Richardson Memorial Lecture at the University of Gettysburg on the relationship between objectivity and journalism. She has also spoken to the National Organization for Women, the Center for American Progress, and other groups.

Baucus Healthcare Bill Disappoints Labor
Lindsay Beyerstein
Daily Pulse: It Could Happen to You
Lindsay Beyerstein

Obama Red-Baiting is the New Black
Lindsay Beyerstein

Why Not Cover Undocumented Migrants?
Lindsay Beyerstein
Daily Pulse: Obama to Outline Vision for Healthcare Reform
Lindsay Beyerstein

AFL-CIO Won’t Budge on Healthcare Reform ‘Absolute Musts’
Lindsay Beyerstein
Daily Pulse: Goldfish and the Public Option
Lindsay Beyerstein
The Daily Pulse: Deep Six the Gang of Six
Lindsay Beyerstein
UFCW Squares Off Against Whole Foods
Lindsay Beyerstein

Labor Loses Its Champion: Ted Kennedy (1936-2009)
Lindsay Beyerstein
Weekly Pulse: Healthcare Reform After Kennedy
Lindsay Beyerstein

Bloomberg Was for Union Raise Before He Was Against it
Lindsay Beyerstein

Taiwanese Workers Battle AIG Over $437M Pension Fund
Lindsay Beyerstein
Weekly Pulse: Public Option on Life Support
Lindsay Beyerstein

Strike Stops Chinese Steel Mill Privatization
Lindsay Beyerstein
Weekly Pulse: Mob Scene
Lindsay Beyerstein
Netroots Nation: Bloggers Tour Modern Steel Mill
Lindsay Beyerstein
Teabaggers Scapegoat SEIU for MO Town Hall Scuffle
Lindsay Beyerstein

South Korean Strikers Withstand Paratrooper Assault
Lindsay Beyerstein
Strike Snapshot: Workers United Local 1426
Lindsay Beyerstein
Weekly Pulse: Angry Mobs Demand the Status Quo
Lindsay Beyerstein

Union 101: Why Unions Matter and How They Work
Lindsay Beyerstein
Weekly Pulse: Healthcare Bill Poised to Suck
Lindsay Beyerstein

In Solidarity, Labor Steps Up Pressure on Honduran Junta
Lindsay Beyerstein
Welcome to Union 101
Lindsay Beyerstein
Weekly Pulse: The Rocky Road to Reform
Lindsay Beyerstein

The Shipping News: UPS-FedEx Battle Heats up on Captiol Hill
Lindsay Beyerstein
Domestic Workers Bill of Rights Hangs in the Balance
Lindsay Beyerstein
Weekly Pulse: The Bill the House Built
Lindsay Beyerstein
Weekly Pulse: All Public Plans Not Created Equal
Lindsay Beyerstein
Weekly Pulse: Public Insurance Option is Not Optional
Lindsay Beyerstein
Weekly Pulse: The Push for a Public Plan
Lindsay Beyerstein
Will Feds Dare Call Tiller’s Assassination Terrorism?
Lindsay Beyerstein
Weekly Pulse: Sotomayor an Enigma On Abortion?
Lindsay Beyerstein
Healthcare Industry Already Wavering on Savings
Lindsay Beyerstein
Weekly Pulse: Keep Your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer
Lindsay Beyerstein
The Weekly Pulse: Swine Flu Postgame Show
Lindsay Beyerstein
Weekly Pulse: Days of Swine and Poses
Lindsay Beyerstein
A Timetable For Reform
Lindsay Beyerstein
Weekly Pulse: Signs of Hope in the Senate
Lindsay Beyerstein
Weekly Pulse: Reconciliation and Discrimination in Healthcare
Lindsay Beyerstein
Weekly Pulse: Key Dems Back Public Option
Lindsay Beyerstein
Flipping the Byrd on Healthcare Reform
Lindsay Beyerstein
Weekly Pulse: Drugs, Sex, and the Single Payer
Lindsay Beyerstein
Why the Stem Cell Reversal Is Not a Total Victory
Lindsay Beyerstein
Not in Kansas Anymore: Gov. Sebelius Tapped to Lead HHS
Lindsay Beyerstein
Weekly Pulse: Czar 44, Where are You?
Lindsay Beyerstein
Bristol Palin Calls Abstinence Unrealistic
Lindsay Beyerstein
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