Maurizio Guerrero is a journalist based in New York City. He covers migration, social justice movements and Latin America.

Capital Has No Borders—Why Should We?
Precarious immigration status creates an exploitable labor force, allowing bosses to drive down wages for everyone. Inside the labor case for open borders.
Maurizio Guerrero
FeatureEn Español
Los Golpes De Calor Están Matando a Los Trabajadores. ¿Por Qué Es Tan Difícil Protegerlos?
No existe un estándar federal de calor, y los cabilderos, intereses corporativos, y aquellos con agendas ferozmente anti-regulatorias han sido vocales para mantenerlo así.
Maurizio Guerrero
Workers Are Dying From the Heat: Why Is It so Hard to Protect Them?
No federal heat standard exists and lobbyists, corporate interests and those with fiercely anti-regulatory agendas have been vocal and active in keeping it that way.
Maurizio Guerrero
The App ICE Forces You To Download
Under Biden, monitoring of immigrants by cell phone has jumped 808%.
Maurizio Guerrero
LaborFeatureInvestigationGoodman Institute
“Queremos Vivir”: The Workers Who Wouldn’t Die for the Pentagon
Maquiladora workers in the border city of Mexicali strike against working conditions.
Maurizio Guerrero
He Exposed Colombia’s Vaccine Contracts with Big Pharma. Then the Right Came for Him.
What the case of Camilo Enciso reveals about the power of pharmaceutical companies.
Sarah Lazare and Maurizio Guerrero
A Landmark Win for Domestic Workers Lurks in the Reconciliation Bill
$190 billion for home care has been folded into reconciliation—toward measures aimed at improving pay and job security for domestic workers.
Maurizio Guerrero and Sarah Lazare
The Climate Crisis Is Coming for Undocumented Farmworkers First
Facing deadly heat waves and few protections, undocumented agricultural workers are being pushed to their limit.
Maurizio Guerrero
Big Pharma Is Deciding Who Lives and Who Dies in the Global South
The chilling effect of the pharmaceutical industry's veiled threats.
Sarah Lazare and Maurizio Guerrero
Biden's Invisible Border Wall
The Biden administration is expanding surveillance along the Southern border, pushing migrants into harm’s way.
Maurizio Guerrero
How Police "Gang Databases" Are Being Used to Wage War on Immigrants
Wearing a certain colored hat or sporting the wrong tattoo can be enough to get somebody in the system—and eventually deported.
Maurizio Guerrero
Migrant Detainees Find Little Relief Under Biden
Despite a change in rhetoric, deportations of migrants continue under President Biden.
Maurizio Guerrero
Immigration Activists Prepare to Fight a "Timid" Biden After He Walks Back Key Promise
Waiting for a bill won't cut it, activists say—Biden could halt the cruel detention and deportation machine tomorrow.
Maurizio Guerrero
This Democrat Is Vying for a Powerful Foreign Affairs Role. His Ties To Right-Wing Groups in Colombia Could Haunt Him.
Rep. Gregory Meeks worked with Colombian politicians tied to right-wing paramilitaries to help push for a corporate-friendly "free trade" deal.
Sarah Lazare and Maurizio Guerrero
DHS Is Using Immigration Crackdown to Suppress the Latino Vote, Critics Say
From expediting deportations to placing “wanted” billboard ads across Pennsylvania, rights advocates warn DHS is intimidating voters.
Maurizio Guerrero
Progressive Groups Are Preparing to Thwart a Possible Trump-Led Coup. Here's How.
Sometimes democracy needs to be defended in the streets. These grassroots organizations are getting ready.
Maurizio Guerrero
How Trump Is Privatizing the U.S. Immigration System
The administration is allowing industries to directly control guest worker programs.
Maurizio Guerrero
Covid-19 Hunger Strikes Sweep Migrant Detention Centers
Jailed migrants are fighting a battle for their lives.
Maurizio Guerrero
A Direct Legacy of Slavery, Domestic Worker Exploitation Is On the Rise In the U.S.
The pandemic has left already vulnerable workers even more exposed to abuses on the job.
Maurizio Guerrero
The Return of the Construction Industry Has Brought a Surge of Immigrant Worker Deaths
The rush to keep building through the pandemic has compounded the risks for construction workers.
Maurizio Guerrero
Foreign Farm Workers Already Face Abusive Conditions. Now Trump Wants to Cut Their Wages.
Maurizio Guerrero
The Grassroots Efforts to Save the Lives of Immigrants Who Can’t Get Covid-19 Testing From the State
Local groups are stepping in to fill a lethal void.
Maurizio Guerrero
A Mexican Labor Lawyer Denounced U.S. Pressure to Reopen Maquiladoras. Then She Was Jailed.
Maurizio Guerrero
Thousands of Essential Workers Are at Risk of Deportation
Maurizio Guerrero