Rachelle Hampton is a Summer 2015 editorial intern at In These Times. She’s a sophomore studying journalism at Northwestern University and is involved with the black student life magazine, Pulse, and the Northwestern alumni magazine.

Meet the Berniecrat On Her Way to the U.S. House After One of This Year’s Biggest Progressive Wins
Pramila Jayapal was one of the first down-ballot candidates to receive Bernie Sanders’ endorsement—and now she’s advancing to the November election, where she’s expected to easily win the heavily Democratic district.
Rachelle Hampton

Feticide Laws Are Disproportionately Used Against Women of Color
Purvi Patel's 20-year prison sentence for a miscarriage is part of a larger pattern.
Rachelle Hampton

A Year Post-Ferguson, the Nation’s Youngest and Boldest Movement Debates Reform vs. Revolution
A firsthand report from Cleveland at the first-ever Movement for Black Lives national strategy session.
Rachelle Hampton