Steven Hill is co-founder of FairVote and the author of seven books, including“10 Steps to Repair American Democracy” and “Fixing Elections: The Failure of America’s Winner Take All Politics”. His opinions are his own.

The Case for Wearing a Mask and Voting In Person
In battleground states, vote by mail could contribute to Trump's "red mirage" lead on election night.
Steven Hill

Employers Are Spying on Remote Workers in Their Homes
As the Covid-19 pandemic has forced more people to work from home, employers have begun using digital surveillance technology to increase control and maintain productivity.
Steven Hill

A Rundown of All the Ways Trump Is Overseeing an All Out, Under-the-Radar Attack on Workers
Steven Hill

Troubled Mayoral Race in St. Louis Shows Need for Ranked Choice Voting
Ranked choice voting offers a proven solution that empowers communities of color as well as candidates.
Steven Hill

Sandy Hook, One Year Later: No Gun Control in Sight
The NRA has taken keen advantage of our political system.
Steven Hill

President Obama: Incompetent or Liar?
Without Snowden leaks, the president wouldn’t even know that the NSA spies on world leaders.
Steven Hill

How to Save Retirement (It’s Simple, and It’s Not Chained CPI)
President Obama is wrong: Social Security is not the problem--it's the solution.
Steven Hill

Pre-Debate Analysis: The Mad Science of U.S. Presidential Campaigns
Behind Obama and Romney's every blink, there are countless calculations.
Steven Hill

Was Rahm Right?
If progressive don't realize how much they've been had by President Obama, they are "f---ing retarded."
Steven Hill
Hindering America’s Vote
Steven Hill
The Incumbent-Protection Racket
Steven Hill