Inside ITT

Wasteland Warriors
“I showed up for East Palestine because I realized we are not alone.”
Maximillian Alvarez and Molly Crabapple
In one photo, a person holds a giant yellow sign "Proud Member of Quality Hill Tenants Union." In the other, a woman in a Joan Jett shirt stands defiantly in front of an elevator.
Hundreds of Kansas City Tenants Will Strike to Demand Repairs, Rent Caps
Tenants voted to withhold rent on October 1 in a rent strike that could catch fire nationwide.
Rebecca Burns
ViewpointElection 2024
The Disturbing Reason Trump and Vance Peddle Lies About Immigrants
The influx of Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio is a success story, not a scandal. But when powerful people don’t want to share prosperity, they lie.
Peter Certo
June Jordan on Palestine and American Delusions
In these excerpts of "Life After Lebanon" and "Waking Up in the Middle of Some American Dreams," June Jordan insists on the ever-present need for coalition building across difference.
Sherell Barbee and June Jordan
Toni Morrison on Fascism and Censorship
In this reprint of "Peril" and "Racism and Fascism," Toni Morrison warns of the creative depths of fascism's reach.
Sherell Barbee and Toni Morrison
"We Can’t Arrest Our Way to Liberation"
After the Palestinian Nabala Cafe was attacked, owner Eyad Zeid decided not to turn to police. Instead, he found strength and support in community.
Eyad Zeid
Why U.S. Labor Has a "Special Responsibility" to Stop Israel's Attacks on Lebanon
In a special interview, UE President Carl Rosen demands an end to U.S. military aid "because our country is the one that enables Israel to do what it’s doing.”
Sarah Lazare
This Land is Co-op Land
A hundred years ago, radical Finnish immigrants founded a cooperatively-owned park to escape political repression on Minnesota’s Iron Range. It’s still “a workingman’s paradise.”
Amie Stager
Feminism, Debt and Organizing Against Argentina’s Far Right
Debt is a Crucial Organizing Avenue Against Argentina’s Far Right.
Verónica Gago and Lucí Cavallero
Punk Rock Karaoke
A love letter to Midwestern punks.
Bianca Xunise
New York Times Repeats U.S. Government’s Evidence-Free Claim That Gaza Protests Are Part of Iranian Plot
Where is the actual evidence that Iranian operatives “posing as students” are helping organize and fund campus protests over the war on Gaza?
Adam Johnson
The Weird and Stupid Teamsters Non-Endorsement Fiasco
Refusing to endorse a presidential candidate will do nothing to stop Trump and the GOP’s war on workers.
Hamilton Nolan
The Big Idea: Ethanol
The United States is the world’s largest producer of corn, most of it is grown in the Midwest, and almost all gasoline sold in the United States contains ethanol, a corn-based renewable additive to fuel.
J. Patrick Patterson
Exiting Prison With No Money, No Credit and No Way to Avoid Debt
How the consequences of incarceration and reentry create financial–and social–debt.
Calvin John Smiley
Fighting Privatization Is Good for Mental Health
Dedicated community leaders and persistent organizing are helping make Chicago’s new expansion of public mental health services a reality.
Elena Gormley
Low-Wage Corporations Are Fleecing Their Workers to Massively Inflate CEO Pay
Why don’t low wage workers earn more? Because their bosses plowed $522 million into manipulating their stock price—and CEO paychecks—instead.
Sarah Anderson
Debtor Organizing Can Transform Our Individual Financial Struggles Into a Source of Collective Strength
Alone, our debt is a liability. Together, it’s our leverage.
J. Patrick Patterson
Los Angeles Teachers’ Road to Durable Power, 2014–2016
United Teachers Los Angeles’ transformation into a strike-ready, progressive union offers lessons for how today’s labor upsurge can produce durable, transformative union power, writes former UTLA president Alex Caputo-Pearl.
Alex Caputo-Pearl
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