Business as usual in the disinformation age.
The backlash against high-stakes exams.
Southern Bellwether
For unions to survive, they must organize in Dixie.
The Permanent War.
A double standard on terrorism.
Israel targets Arafat.
Russia's last independent network goes under.
Dumping on Nevada
The Department of Energy approves Yucca Mountain as a nuclear waste site.
Prison Blues
Starbucks, Nike, others profit from inmate labor.
Against the Odds
Public housing residents eke out some rare victories.
Autumn of the Patriarch
BOOKS: What a difference a pop makes.
BOOKS: Carey McWilliams and the Fool's Paradise.
MUSIC: It's to Change punk rock.
The Docs' Good News
FILM: Documentaries are alive and well at Sundance.
Tony Kushner, Native Son
INTERVIEW: The playwright on America, Israel and terror.
February 1, 2002
Enronomics 101
Business as usual in the disinformation economy.
ven more than the dot-coms, Enronthe aptly nicknamed crooked Ewas
the star of the new information economy. During the past decade,
economic fortune-tellers said that the future of business lay in exploiting
the Internet and information technologies to create boundless productivity growth
and profits. At the same time, there was a continued ideological push toward
deregulation of all markets, and financial firms increased their domination
over producers of goods and services. Tapping into and deceptively feeding the
decades collective delusion of unlimited wealth through computerized financial
wheeling and dealing, Enron soared in a few years from a sleepy utility to the
seventh-largest company in the United Statesand one of the most widely
praised. The sordid, still unfolding tale of Enrons crash is a story with several
themes: common greed that soared to uncommon dimensions; the failure and foiling
of government regulation; duplicitous accountants, lawyers, bankers, executives
and politicians on the corporate take. But it also makes a compelling argument
that the new information economy should really be called the disinformation
economy. In the disinformation economy, there is a systematic effort to hide, distort
and lie as a way of gaining wealth and power. In itself, this is old stuff,
but the techniques for such deception are more sophisticated and elaborate than
ever. Even though insider dealing is a crucial part of the disinformation economy,
on the surface the economy relies heavily on public information, certainly much
more than in the era of handshake deals between private capitalist titans. In
this time of deregulation and globalization, as markets grow more all-encompassing
and less constrained, failures of information can have much more dire effects.
Even on capitalist terms, markets require full, accurate and universally available
information to guide rational decisions by investors, consumers and citizens.
Disinformation raises the level and cost of irrationality even as it promises
a free market utopia. nrons stock market success was based on systematic exaggeration of its
financial strength. Its explosive growth and sudden collapse both were linked
to the creation of more than 3,500 subsidiaries that were often used to keep
debt off Enrons balance sheets, which in turn helped prop up its credit
rating and reduce the cost of borrowing for further expansion. Unlike Enron
shareholders, insidersthe corporate executives and selected investors,
including divisions of banks that were lending to Enronknew these subsidiaries
were dubiously structured. But they ignored the dangers because Enron held out
hope for fantastic returnsdoubling their money or better in some years.
The auditors for Arthur Andersen did not just overlook this chicanery. Like
the lawyers who said it was all legal, the accountants were apparently paid
well to help set it up. Nearly 900 of these subsidiaries were established in
offshore tax havens like the Cayman Islands, notorious centers for money-laundering
and financial concealment. Fundamentally, Enron transformed itself from an energy supplier into an almost
totally unregulated financial institution. The profits Enron generated came
mainly from its on-line trading of electricity and natural gas. (Other trading,
especially in telecommunications bandwidth, was less successful.) The bulk of
this trading was in derivatives, complex financial instruments used
to hedge or speculate about future prices. Unlike open futures markets in agricultural
or financial commodities (like Treasury bonds), Enron not only ran the marketplace,
but was a major participant in the trades. The derivative contracts were often
opaque and confusing, even to experts. So this market was especially murky and
open to manipulation. To succeed Enron needed marketsstarting with energythat were deregulated,
volatile and actively traded. Deregulation provided the instability that created
an incentive for hedging and speculation as well as opportunities for Enron
to profit, often by taking advantage of minor discrepancies in prices within
the marketplace. Clear, predictable information about energy prices typical
of regulated utilities hurt Enron; chaos and confusion were its manna. Keynes
described financial euphorias as bubbles forming on bubbles. Enron was blowing
its own bubbles. In the real-world economy, electricity deregulation has been a massive failure
for consumers. Many cant easily take advantage of the confusing choices
in deregulated marketsjust like for telephone service. For them, deregulation
most often means disinformation and overwhelming marketing madness. And in most
places, energy prices have actually gone up. Enrons machinations played a major role in driving up energy costs in
California. (Emergency shortages soared after a bill deregulating energy trading
pushed by Texas Republican Sen. Phil Gramm on behalf of Enron was passed, then
ended when federal price controls were reimposed, according to Public Citizen.)
One study concluded that electricity prices on the California-Oregon border
recently dropped 30 percent simply because Enron went bankrupt and could no
longer use its market power to set prices. Yet with widely fluctuating prices,
it is harder for utilities to plan for new generating capacity, setting the
stage for future shortages or supply manipulation and price hikes. Enron is not the only sinner; neither is Andersen. Over the past six years,
Business Week reports, investors have lost $200 billion as a result of
783 audit failures at firms that overstated profits, and such incidents doubled
from 1997 to 2000. The fallout from Enron has helped to precipitate other major
bankruptcies, like Global Crossing, or reorganizations, like Tyco, as investors
worry about the reliability of all corporate statements. Former Securities and
Exchange Commissioner Arthur Levitt, whose efforts to tighten accounting practices
were blocked by Congress, says that a culture of gamesmanshipa
polite term for lying, cheating and deceivingtook hold in the frenzied
new economy of the 90s. Politicians helped create the fertile environment for growth of the disinformation
economy. Gramm and his wife Wendy, a former director of the Commodity Futures
Trading Commission who joined Enrons board shortly after retiring, pushed
through key regulatory rulings and legislation that fostered derivative trading
and kept Enron free from regulation. Enrons political contributionsdisproportionately
to the Republicans, especially to Bush and his cronies, but also to many Democratsare
now notorious. Maybe Bush didnt bail out a failing Enron, but he did end
Clintons plans to rein in foreign tax havens. Bushs energy plan promoted 17 policies that Enron had lobbied for, including
six visits with Vice President Dick Cheney while he headed the energy task force.
Even within the industry, most of those proposals are controversial, such as
promoting energy deregulation and derivatives, guaranteeing energy traders open
access to all transmission lines, and repealing the Public Utility Holding Company
Act (which restricts multi-state holding companies from diversifying into ventures
unrelated to their core utility business). But as part of the disinformation
societyand in keeping with other Bush moves to restrict freedom of information
and access to presidential records, Cheney is fighting to keep secret the deliberations
of the energy task force, despite a lawsuit being filed by the General Accounting
Office. ut Enron hasnt just corrupted individual politicians by buying influence
through campaign contributions. The irony is that the political corruption ends
up destroying one foundation of the market economy itselfreliable informationand
exacerbating what economist Michael Perelman calls the natural instability
of markets. Until the dot-com and stock market collapse, many analysts argued that computers,
the Internet and telecommunications had created a new industrial revolution
that had transformed the economy into a recession-proof fountain of growing
productivity and profits. But Northwestern University economist Robert Gordon
has concluded that nearly all of the accelerated productivity growth in the
late 90s came from growth in manufacturing of durable goods, especially
computers and related equipment. There was virtually no acceleration of productivity
in the rest of the economy. The hype about Internet business and the information economy spurred an investment
boom, fed by brokerage firm stock promoters (analysts) who even
late last fall rated Enron a buy. Enron was worth $60 billion to
shareholders before it tanked, wiping out many of its own workers retirement
funds. But most observers ignore damage Enron wreaked on the way up: Its exaggerated
promise of returns drew investment away from other potential investments. What
would the country be like if the billions wasted on Enron had been used rationally
and for some real social good, not swept up in the throes of an economy built
on lies and deceit? Even within its own corporate walls, if Enron had plowed money into its wind
power division instead of its fraudulent trading division, it could have helped
reduce national dependence on Middle Eastern oil and created more stable energy
prices. Similarly, illusory high rates of returnprofit and growth in stock
valueat Enron and other revolutionary companies put unrealistic
pressure on other businesses to match those returns, distorting investment decisions
and helping to undermine some industries, including many domestic manufacturers. The tentative moves emerging in Washington toward regulation of accountants,
pension plans, accounting rules and other troubled aspects of the Enron debacle
are small, if necessary, steps toward the broader task of unmaking the disinformation
economy. But the entire political culture has been so contaminated with disinformation
that noweven in the wake of this scandalboth Republicans and Democrats
are promoting further energy deregulation. Greed undermined professions that
once claimed the public trustaccountants, lawyers, bankersdemonstrating
the need for tighter regulation. But who can do that if government itself is
corrupted? |