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Business as usual in the disinformation age.
The backlash against high-stakes exams.
Southern Bellwether
For unions to survive, they must organize in Dixie.
The Permanent War.
A double standard on terrorism.
Israel targets Arafat.
Russia's last independent network goes under.
Dumping on Nevada
The Department of Energy approves Yucca Mountain as a nuclear waste site.
Prison Blues
Starbucks, Nike, others profit from inmate labor.
Against the Odds
Public housing residents eke out some rare victories.
Autumn of the Patriarch
BOOKS: What a difference a pop makes.
BOOKS: Carey McWilliams and the Fool's Paradise.
MUSIC: It's to Change punk rock.
The Docs' Good News
FILM: Documentaries are alive and well at Sundance.
Tony Kushner, Native Son
INTERVIEW: The playwright on America, Israel and terror.
February 1, 2002
Hemmed In
Sharon targets Arafat.
Ramallah, The West BankAs Yasser Arafat sits hunkered down in his Ramallah
compound, Israeli tanks surrounding his office, the Palestinian leader is hosting
a stream of visitorsPalestinian artists and intellectuals, Canadian television
broadcasters, Japanese journalists and whole salons of Israeli reporters. But the guests he would most like to court, U.S. Middle East envoy Anthony
Zinni, in particular, have yet to knock on his door. As the Palestinian-Israeli
confrontations grow more bloody by the day, Palestinians sound almost desperate
in their calls for international intercession. Due to the absence of other influential parties, we continue our call
for U.S. intervention, Palestinian Legislative Council member Qadoura
Faris told Al Jazeera television. But these calls have not born fruit,
particularly in the absence of an effective position from the Arabs. Egyptian
and Jordanian contacts with the Palestinian leader have become almost non-existent,
say despairing Arafat aides. The most recent escalation of violence came just after Arafat had managed to
create a measure of calm. The Israeli assassination of Raed Karmi of the military
wing of Arafats Fateh faction on January 14 were followed by the killing
of six Israelis three days later, including guests dancing at a Jewish girls
bat mitzvah party. In reprisal, the Israeli army bombed Palestinian security
offices with F-16s, destroyed the offices of the Voice of Palestine radio station,
and invaded Tulkarem and Ramallah, placing tanks just meters from Arafats
door. Meanwhile, Washington is sounding increasingly tough. President George W. Bush
says that he is very disappointed with Arafats efforts to
curb terrorism. These comments further aggravate Arafats predicamenthow
to answer international demands that he round up the very armed groups that
form the base of his support among angered Palestinians. Tensions were heightened by the interception of a boat in January loaded with
50 tons of Katushya rockets and plastic explosives. The captain of the boat
was interviewed on Israeli television saying that the arms, bought from Iran,
were headed for the Palestinian Authority. Palestinian officials initially denied
any such relationship, but on January 28, the Palestinian Authority announced
it had detained the man accused of planning the mission and issued arrest warrants
for two others who remain abroad. Arafat still disavows his involvement. The move is not likely to satisfy those in the Bush administration who are
already clamoring to cut ties with the Palestinian Authority. But Palestinians
on the street either say that they have every right to arm themselves against
an Israeli army that easily outguns them, or they dismiss the Israeli charges
outright. Why, they say, would Arafat go to Iran to buy arms when there are
plenty to be had on the Israeli black market? The United States still has not made up its mind about Arafat, largely due
to concerns that the situation without him would be much worse. But some members
of the Israeli cabinet are again calling for Arafats removal to a third
country, in demands reminiscent of a vetoed 1982 plan to extract Arafat from
Beirut with a helicopter and a fishing net. To tell the truth, Im
sorry we didnt eliminate him then, Sharon told the Israeli newspaper
Maariv on January 31. Palestinians, of course, are angered by and dismissive of such talk. Arafats
Fateh faction has warned that harming President Arafat in any way will
result in extreme perils beyond the imagination of any Israeli. Representatives
of the 1 million Arabs inside Israel issued a statement that damage to Arafat
would set the entire region ablaze. The thing that Israel does not seem to understand, Palestinians say, is that
there is no Palestinian leader more moderate than Arafat. His very political
weakness now results from an unwillingness to abandon the option of peace, despite
loud calls from many Palestinians to stop what has been called an appeasement
policy and to commit to a more aggressive fight. Despite the tanks surrounding Arafats office, there are those who still
believe the Palestinian leader will remain part of the Middle East equation
after Ariel Sharon is long gone. Israeli public opinion took a significant turn
in recent weeks, when some voices charged the army with war crimes
when it demolished the homes of 500 Palestinian families, all the while claiming
they were empty. Now, more than 60 Israeli servicemen and reservists have signed
a petition refusing to serve in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. We shall
not continue to fight beyond the 1967 borders in order to dominate, expel, starve
and humiliate an entire people, the petition declared. The Israeli economy is sinking, and Sharons military solution has brought
nothing but more bloodshed, both of which could cause trouble for the Israeli
coalition in coming weeks. In the meantime, Arafats strategy is to do
just enough to stay alive and with his people, and not enough to cause his political
end. |