
25 Years Later: Lessons From the Organizers of Justice for Janitors
Stephen Lerner and Jono Shaffer

California Court Ruling Could Make It Nearly Impossible for Farmworkers To Win Union Contracts
David Bacon

New York State Legislators Have Just One More Day To Pass a Bill Protecting Nail Salon Workers
Karen Gwee

We Need Domestic and International Regulations to Prevent Corporations from Fleeing Overseas
Miriam Shestack

Clergy March on Billionaires as Moral Mondays Come to Chicago
Martin de Bourmont

A Farmworkers Bill of Rights in New York May Finally End “Abhorrent and Unacceptable” Treatment
Elizabeth Grossman

The List of the Fight for $15’s Victories—Tangible and Intangible—Is Getting Longer
David Moberg

In the Global Apparel Industry, Abusive and Deadly Working Conditions Are Still the Norm
Erik Loomis

College Interprets Prof’s ‘Remember the Haymarket Riot’ Email as a Violent Threat
Arielle Zionts

West Coast Truckers Poised to Strike, Say They’re Owed Nearly $1 Billion in Stolen Wages
Mario Vasquez