
Here's What Striking Autoworkers Are Fighting For
The Big 3 automakers have made record profits in recent years. Now, union workers are calling for big raises, an end to tiers, a shorter work week and a just transition.
Jeff Schuhrke
Why Did UPS Teamsters Vote Yes on the Deal?
A reporter got an intimate look at how contract discussions played out at one local.
Teddy Ostrow
Autoworkers Aren't Afraid of a Strike
“It's not about protecting the American dream or fighting for the American dream. It's literally like resuscitating it from the dead.”
Teddy Ostrow and Ruby Walsh
West Virginia University Administrators Just Announced Massive Layoffs. Campus Workers Aren’t Going Down Without a Fight.
The new WVU budget slashes nearly 10% of majors and 7% of all faculty, but campus workers are fighting back.
Maximillian Alvarez
Sara Nelson: Attacks on Abortion Rights Are Attacks on All Workers
Association of Flight Attendants-CWA President Sara Nelson on abortion rights, building union density, and the sham of “corporate benevolence.”
Natascha Elena Uhlmann
Will the Clean Energy Auto Economy Be Built on Factory Floors Riddled With Toxic Chemicals and Safety Hazards?
Workers at an Ultium Cells plant in Ohio are fighting for fair wages and safety on the job. What happens there could help set the tone for similar joint-venture plants across the country.
Luis Feliz Leon
It's Up to Unions to Make the NLRB Matter
The regulatory climate for unions is good. Will they do anything with it?
Hamilton Nolan
UPS Teamsters Voted to Ratify Their Contract, Ending High-Profile Negotiations and Averting a Strike
The union voted to ratify the contract by 86.3%.
Teddy Ostrow and Ruby Walsh
UPS Teamsters Voted to Ratify Their Contract, Ending High-Profile Negotiations and Averting a Strike
The union voted to ratify the contract by 86.3%.
Teddy Ostrow and Ruby Walsh
Hearing: Don’t Cut Corners with Miners’ Safety
In West Virginia, a push for stronger regulations to fight the new epidemic of black lung afflicting Central Appalachian miners.
Kim Kelly
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