March 2012 Volume 36, Issue 03

There Will Be Paranoia
As long as there are dispossessed white people, there will be conspiracies.
Steve Weinberg
The Second Coming of El Papa to Cuba
Pope Benedict XVI makes common cause with the Castro brothers.
Samuel Farber
A Broken Writ, a Kangaroo Court
Habeas corpus rights aren't intact in America. Just ask my Guantanamo detainee client.
Leonard C. Goodman
W.W.I: The War That Begat Another
The Lost History of 1914 shows how that year began to sow the seeds of Nazism.
Eve Ottenberg
Paula Deen: This Little Piggy Went to Market
Why the TV cooking celebrity waited three years to announce her diabetes.
Terry J. Allen
Lifting the Veil on Iranian Censors
With A Separation, Asghar Farhadi artfully subverts Iran's reactionary big-screen rules.
Michael Atkinson
Argentina’s Pulp Fiction: Grupo Clarín and Freedom of the Press
A new law aiming to end a media monopoly is condemned by international news outlets.
Julie Turkewitz
Newt Gingrich’s Vintage Female Problem
He doesn't seem to like older women. They ought to take revenge at the ballot box.
Susan J. Douglas
A Hipstamatic Moment
Kodak is bankrupt. But we still crave the instant nostalgia that was once the company's hallmark.
Chris Lehmann
The Iron Lady’s Mad Shadow
Margaret Thatcher's gut instincts influenced the next generation of politicians, from Blair to Bush.
Jane Miller
In Search of the Anti-Walker
An election to recall Wis. Gov. Scott Walker is now certain. His opponent is not.
Liz Novak
Managing Dissent in Chicago
As the G8/NATO summits approach, activists protest restrictive new rules--and prepare for the spotlight.
Jeremy Gantz
When It Comes to Iran, U.S. Should Make History, Not Bombs
Washington must prevent, rather than join, a war over Iranian nuclear capabilities.
Joel Bleifuss
2014 World Cup Match: FIFA-1, Brazil-?
The wealthy international soccer organization forces tax and labor-law exemptions on the next host of the games.
Rebecca Burns

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