February 2012 Volume 36, Issue 02

A Puritan’s Dilemma
Religion, politics and the agony of David Foster Wallace.
Theo Anderson
When Less is More Political Engagement
The only good thing about our new age of austerity is how it inspires a new wave of activists.
Jane Miller
U.S. Military Toxins: The Gift That Keeps on Killing
A tragic history of pollution continues in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Terry J. Allen
In Palestine, to Exist Is to Resist
Behind the headlines, Palestinians are using nonviolent direct action to protest the status quo.
Melinda Tuhus
Required Viewing: 2011’s Top Political Films
From The Black Power Mixtape to Werner Herzog's Into the Abyss, here's what you need to watch now.
Michael Atkinson
It’s the Stupid Republicans, Stupid
Progressives shouldn't be shy about mobilizing voters around singe-issue passions.
Susan J. Douglas
Christopher Hitchens: A D.C. Requiem
The fawning homages triggered by the prolific polemicist's death missed the true tragedy of his later career.
Chris Lehmann
It’s More Than a War of Words
If Democrats can't inspire progressives to vote this year, Barack Obama will be a one-term president.
Joel Bleifuss
Thunderstruck in Honduras
'Operation Lightning' allows the country's soldiers to play sheriff, but violence continues in Latin America's 'butcher shop.'
Jeremy Kryt
Egypt’s Revolution Is Not Over
Hosni Mubarak resigned as president last February, but the violent struggle for democracy continues.
James North
People vs. Putin Power
The Russian Spring begins in winter.
Fred Weir
Will Arizona Hold ALEC Accountable?
Proposed legislation would treat corporate-backed American Legislative Exchange Council like what its critics say it is: a lobbyist organization.
Beau Hodai
ALEC’s Arizona Escort Service
Our intrepid reporter learns he is not welcome at an annual summit for business-friendly lawmakers.
Beau Hodai

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