
Commemorating Our Soon-to-Be Lost Vernacular
What words and phrases will end up as relics of the past?
David Sirota
Occupy the Electoral Process
It would be a mistake for members of the Occupy movement to ignore the 2012 elections.
Liz Novak
The Lonesome Death of Josh Dylan Pfenning
A man who is unhoused kills himself at an Occupy encampment, underscoring America's widening chasms.
Terry J. Allen
‘Tis The Season of Fake Outrage
Every year, the right wing inevitably decries the nonexistent 'War on Christmas.'
David Sirota
Banana Republicans’ Assault on Democracy
Why does America's highest-ranking GOP politician oppose scrapping the electoral college?
David Sirota
The Lowlights of 2011’s ‘War on Women’
With a new Congress in office, battles over reproductive healthcare access came back with a vengeance.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
Class Consciousness Is Back
Once you notice inequality, you can't escape the realities of class in America.
Susan J. Douglas
Steve Forbes: The GOP’s Man in 2012
The Republican Party’s awkward flat-taxing farce has the last laugh.
Theo Anderson
What’s Next for the Occupy Movement?
There is much to celebrate, even as the tents come down. But it's time for new strategies.
Marilyn Katz
Why Conservatives Can’t Fix Poverty
Newt Gingrich's new idea offers a stark reminder.
James Thindwa
What Real Education Reform Looks Like
New reports underscore what should be obvious: Poverty and punitive funding formulas drive America's education problems.
David Sirota
Marching Off the Cliff
The world wants UN climate talks in Durban to succeed, but U.S. intransigence blocks the way forward.
Noam Chomsky
Celebrating the End of Kids’ Wall Street Dreams
The number of young people in finance-related fields is falling—and that's not a bad thing.
David Sirota
Assassinating the Rule of Law
President Obama has carried on where former President George W. Bush left off.
Leonard C. Goodman
CIA Boosts Vaccination Conspiracies
The agency's public health ruse to confirm Bin Laden's whereabouts caused collateral damage.
Terry J. Allen
Anger Sowing Seeds of a New Consumer Movement
A new study suggests consumer rage against businesses is at an all-time high.
David Sirota
The Paradigm Shifts
Occupy protests have focused the nation's attention on inequality. But how can this movement be sustained?
James Thindwa
Why Income Inequality Suddenly Matters
Americans are tired of watching the rich getting richer while the dream of upward mobility becomes a joke.
David Sirota
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