Working People

May 31, 2020 43:55
Labor Is Antifascist (w/ Kooper Caraway)
UNLOCKED BONUS EPISODE: We talk to Kooper Caraway, President of the Sioux Falls AFL-CIO and Labor Rep for AFSCME Council... more
May 28, 2020 01:14:07
Struggle Session (w/ Michael Brooks)
We talk to Michael Brooks about his new book, Against the Web, and we try to move the ball forward... more
May 21, 2020 11:06
The Break Room: Daniel Stone
In this installment of The Break Room, Daniel Stone, a now-former employee of Dollar General in Nashville, tells us about... more
May 18, 2020 01:10:28
On Meritocracy (w/ Zak Alvarez)
(We are making this Bonus Episode public to provide a follow-up to Max's latest In These Times article on whether... more
May 15, 2020 19:05
The Break Room: Aminah Sheikh (Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario)
Welcome to The Break Room, our new, ongoing series where workers and organizers send in 15-20-minute clips to talk about... more
May 5, 2020 01:23:01
cOrE vAlUeS (w/ MacKenna Alvarez)
Happy #TeachersDay! To celebrate National Teacher Appreciation Week, we are putting this special bonus episode on the main feed: Another... more
April 30, 2020 01:33:08
Adam Ryan (Target Workers Unite)
Our Season Three finale, featuring a conversation we recorded in December with Adam Ryan, a Target worker in Virginia and... more
April 24, 2020 18:21
Mini-cast: ICE Is the CIA Now, Apparently (w/ Ken Klippenstein)
This is a clip from our bonus episode with Ken Klippenstein, DC correspondent for The Nation, about the Covid crisis... more
April 20, 2020 02:55:04
"We Are Essential," Pt II (Voices from the Covid-19 Crisis)
Part II: The Covid-19 crisis and the current economic crash have broken our world apart. These are the voices of... more
April 11, 2020 02:22:52
"We Are Essential," Pt I (Voices from the Covid-19 Crisis)
The Covid-19 crisis and the current economic crash have broken our world apart. These are the voices of the people... more
April 6, 2020 02:05:24
Workers' Book Club: A Serf's Journal (w/ Terry Tapp and John Tormey))
The second installment of the Workers' Book Club is finally here, and it's a doozy! Our friend John Tormey, a... more
March 29, 2020 22:34
Mini-cast: #InstacartStrike (w/ Vanessa Bain)
This Monday (March 30) Instacart shoppers around the country will walk off the job to demand hazard pay and basic... more
March 27, 2020 01:36:35
Make Love, Not Stonks (w/ Tom Sexton)
We're briefly coming back from hiatus to check in with an old friend and offer some thoughts on our breaking... more
March 20, 2020 01:20:52
(Unlocked) BONUS EPISODE - Candace Wolf
We talk to activist and oral historian Candace Wolf about her self-published book of interviews with workers all over the... more
March 13, 2020 25:16
Working-Class Politics: Phara Souffrant Forrest
In the newest installment in our ongoing series Working-Class Politics, we talk with Phara Souffrant Forrest, a union nurse, tenant... more
March 4, 2020 57:01
SotB + Current Affairs Super Tuesday Crossover
Our election-themed crossover panel collective continues to grow! We're excited to share on the Working People feed the newest installment... more
March 1, 2020 03:26:11
Lances for Hire
In this special compilation episode, we hear testimonies from 10 different freelancers—journalists, artists, musicians, designers, and more—about the pains, joys... more
February 28, 2020 01:15:33
Workers' Toolkit: ANTITRUST (w/ Marshall Steinbaum)
In The Workers' Toolkit we take deep dives into the legal and institutional barriers that prevent workers from building collective... more
February 21, 2020 02:53:06
The Billionaires' Caucus
Our second election-themed crossover panel of the season: We team up with Mel from Protean Magazine and Dwight and Shane... more
February 12, 2020 38:19
Everybody In, Nobody Out (w/ Sara Nelson)
We talk to the one and only Sara Nelson, flight attendant, union activist, and President of the Association of Flight... more
February 8, 2020 01:21:00
Deidra Demens
We talk to professional yoga teacher Deidra Demens about the path that led her to yoga and about working in... more
February 3, 2020 02:20:13
The 2020 Election & Building Working-Class Power
By popular demand, we teamed up with Protean Magazine and brought a panel of amazing people together—Ash (Horror Vanguard), Mel... more
January 26, 2020 25:03
Working-Class Politics: Nabilah Islam
We're excited to launch our new, ongoing series, Working-Class Politics. In this series, we'll talk with working-class candidates who are... more
January 24, 2020 39:01
Mini-cast: Break the Chains, Pt III (w/ Shirley Lung)
Part III of our mini-cast series on undocumented workers and the fight to repeal the employers’ sanctions provision of the... more
Podcast Cover Art

Maximillian Alvarez is editor-in-chief at the Real News Network and host of the podcast Working People, available at InThe​se​Times​.com. He is also the author of The Work of Living: Working People Talk About Their Lives and the Year the World Broke.

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