
The Crafting of Obama
When Barack Obama launched his presidential bid, he decided to build a staircase, not merely a platform, thereby differing with most African-American presidential aspirants
Laura S. Washington
Universal Health Care for Wisconsin?
In late June, the Wisconsin state senate ratified "Healthy Wisconsin," a plan that is "the boldest and most comprehensive health care reform from any state," according to the Progressive States Network
David Moberg
Civil War by Other Means
Rigoberta Menchú's presidental bid could turn the page on Guatemala's bloody past
Jacob Wheeler
The Squandering of Obama
Political masterminds have transformed the candidate from a political visionary into an electoral product like every other presidential aspirant
Salim Muwakkil
Bloomberg Could Tie Centrists in Knots
If the New York mayor runs, he will stymie the ability of the Democratic nominee to play both sides of the fence on issues like guns, gay rights, immigration and choice
Laura S. Washington
The Unions’ Man?
John Edwards does more than talk the talk on workers' but will he walk away with labor's endorsement?
David Moberg
Kissing up to K Street
Democrats are selling out the economic populism that got them elected in the first place
David Sirota
The Enduring Lies of Ronald Reagan
Though the GOP continues to canonize the fortieth president, we can't forget his legacy as a liar and a foreign policy flop
Susan J. Douglas
At What Price Victory?
In order to pass their budget, House Democrats have proposed increasing the funding of a harmful abstinence-only program
Lindsay Beyerstein
Dancing Into the Majority
Once alienated, grassroots activists are finding ways to work with the Democratic Party establishment
Adam Doster
Jeremy Horton
Conor Kenny
Paula Villescaz
Conor Kenny
Hello, I’m a Democrat
Meet the netroots activists who have moved online and into political office
Conor Kenny
Chicago Unions Flex Political Muscle
Instead of fighting Mayor Daley, labor movement goes after his aldermen pawns
David Moberg
Why Women Hate Hillary
She reinforces the Genghis Khan principle of American politics that our leaders must be ruthless and macho
Susan J. Douglas
Power to the Public Financing
Fair Elections Now Act would reward candidates who spend time with their constituents, and not golfing or dining with lobbyists
Michael Burgner
The Talented Mr. Griffin
The senators grilling Alberto Gonzales should ask him about Arkansas' new U.S. attorney--and his history of suppressing minority voters
Greg Palast
The Royal Road to Irrelevance
The 'French Hillary' is squandering the Socialists' presidential hopes
Doug Ireland
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