The Movement for Black Lives Issue Takeover

Chris Christie Is Facing Yet Another Investigation
At issue is whether Christie's officials have lined Wall Street's pockets with the retirement savings of teachers, firefighters, police officers and other public sector workers.
David Sirota
Oakland Teachers Vote to Authorize Strike, Stage ‘Work-to-Rule’ Actions in Protest of Low Pay
Mario Vasquez
Your Manicurist is Likely Being Paid Illegal Starvation Wages
Arielle Zionts
Don’t ‘Arquette’ Hillary Clinton
Will Clinton's 2016 campaign, like in 2008, be used to pit women and people of color against each other (as though the two don't overlap)?
Andrea Plaid
No Easy Outs: The Revolutionary Reformism of Ralph Miliband
A new collection of essays by the seminal Marxist thinker highlights his simultaneously hopeful and clear-eyed vision, fiercely principled but always tethered to reality.
Shawn Gude
Chicago Teachers Union Rejects District’s Call for 7% Pay Cut, Files Unfair Labor Practice
Yana Kunichoff
Chicago Therapists and Clients Protest Unexpected Closure of Major Mental Health Clinic
Arielle Zionts
These Are the American Workers Earning Less Than $15 per Hour
Sonia Singh
From Ferguson to Baltimore, a 5-Step Guide to the Police Repression of Protest
Recent protests have showcased American military might on domestic soil.
Michael Gould-Wartofsky
After Freddie Gray Protests, Baltimore Unions Demand End to “Trickle-down” Neighborhood Development
Bruce Vail
X-Race Spex
Matt Bors
Tufts Students Stage ‘Indefinite’ Hunger Strike Against Janitor Layoffs
Rachel Luban
Does General Motors Matter Anymore?
Bruce Vail
GOP Prez Candidate Carly Fiorina Forgets to Register URL, Gets Mercilessly Trolled for Mass Layoffs
Kevin Solari
OPINION: A Call for Truth and Reinvestment
Zachary Norris and Patrisse Cullors
Organized Labor Should Spend the Rest of 2015 Training Workers How to Fight
David Goodner
Pennsylvania’s “Revictimization Relief Act” Struck Down by Federal Judge
George Lavender
Rural America
Why “Optimization” Is Not a Successful Agricultural Strategy
Fred Kirschenmann
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