The Movement for Black Lives Issue Takeover
Beyond the Minimum Wage
When it comes to achieving economic justice, organizers and politicians have to set the bar higher.
Amy Dean
Clever Girls
'Men or books?' These could be mutually exclusive choices for young women in 1950s Europe, as two new novels show.
Jane Miller
Nuclear Weapons Won’t Keep Us Safe
The U.S. will spend an estimated $1 trillion on its nuclear arsenal in the next 30 years. And for what cause?
Noam Chomsky
Fred Phelps Meets God
Matt Bors
How a Shadowy Hollywood Conservative Group Gamed the IRS System
Yet the IRS doesn't seem to care all that much.
Adam Parfrey, AlterNet
Game of Homes
The private-equity firm Blackstone could be your next landlord.
Rebecca Burns, Michael Donley & Carmilla Manzanet
Kicked Out of Our Home, Courtesy of Blackstone
How an eviction, two arrests and one lost turtle led us to housing activism.
Michael Donley and Carmilla Manzanet
By Ridiculing Redskins, Colbert Made Racism ‘Truthy’
Lindsay Beyerstein
Is Perelman Jewish Day School the Hobby Lobby of Union-Busting?
Bruce Vail
By Making Fun of Gwyneth, Are We Really Dismantling Privilege?
The reactions to Kim Kardashian and Gwyneth Paltrow show that no matter what, women can't win.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
Will U.N. Investigation of Sri Lankan War Crimes Finally Bring Peace?
Jeremy Gantz
Dozens More Tech Companies Implicated in Wage-Suppression Cartel
Alex Kogan
Warren Buffet’s Epic NCAA Humblebrag
Buffett and Quicken Loans want to give you $1 billion for your perfect NCAA bracket—because they can.
David Sirota
4 Ways the Hobby Lobby SCOTUS Case Could Spell Disaster
The Religious Right wants to deny you birth control coverage. So what's next?
Erika L. Sánchez, AlterNet
SeaTac Workers Fight for Their 15
Amien Essif
The First Blow to the NCAA Establishment: NLRB Rules Players Are Employees
Alex Lubben
For Cambodian Documentarians, a Conundrum
How do you show the past when the Khmer Rouge torched all traces?
Michael Atkinson
Labor Crisis Begets Violence on Colombia’s Pacific Coast
James Bargent