The Movement for Black Lives Issue Takeover

Workers Take Center Stage in Occupy’s Second Anniversary
Sarah Jaffe
D.C. City Council Defeats Living Wage Bill
Cole Stangler
Orange Is the New Black, Episode 8: Trapped in the Dryer
Pennsatucky traps Alex in a dryer. Complex emotional growth ensues.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
A Different Path for Syria—and America’s Cities
Will U.S. diplomacy in Syria carve a new path towards peace at home and abroad?
Marilyn Katz
5 Cities in a Neoliberal Takeover; 5 Cities in a Progressive Boom
Who holds the keys to the city of the future?
In These Times Editors
A Company Town Becomes Our Town
How a town shadowed by Chevron built a vibrant movement to challenge corporate power.
Rebecca Burns
A Union-Remade City
Labor is taking back New Haven. But can it put people back to work?
Jake Blumgart
A Top-Down Urban Revolution
Will working people have any say in the new neoliberal city?
Amy Dean
Why Unions Aren’t Happy About Obamacare
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Defining Islamist
Matt Bors
A New Direction For the Fed?
Yellen may be better than Larry Summers, but she's not the reformer the Fed needs.
David Moberg
Idaho Judge Holds Private Prison Company CCA In Contempt For Deliberately Understaffing Prisons
Matt Stroud
Dream Defenders Stand Their Ground
Occupying the New Jim Crow system.
Jeff Schuhrke
A 98-Year-Old Labor Reporter Who Loved Avant-Garde Music
Mike Elk
12 Nameless, Witless Women We Shall Miss
Goodbye, The Newsroom. Goodbye, The Newsroom’s rotating cast of yelled-at female characters.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
Breaking Bad Recap, Season 5, Episode 14: Ozymandias
Lindsay Beyerstein
‘Sham or mere pretext’: Kansas sex offenders locked up ‘till death, even without a life sentence
Matt Stroud
Unite Here and Hyatt Hit Hiccups in Peace Process
Bruce Vail
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