The Wisconsin Idea

Here’s How Rail Workers Are Fighting On After Biden Blocked a National Strike
Politicians may have headed off their strike, but rail workers haven't stopped organizing for paid sick leave and safe staffing.
Jeff Schuhrke
There Were Only 12 Days Last Year When Police Didn't Kill Someone
Police killed nearly 100 people a month in 2022, data shows.
Sharon Zhang
Cover Story
How to Avoid Nuclear Stand-Offs That Threaten the Entire World
Frida Berrigan on the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the fight for nuclear abolition.
Frida Berrigan
The Supreme Court Could Gut the Right to Strike
C.M. Lewis interviews labor researcher Kate Bronfenbrenner about a case that could have widespread implications for unions across the country.
C.M. Lewis
“The Lesson Here Is That the System Is Cruel”: Keri Blakinger on Prison Journalism
The formerly incarcerated reporter speaks out on the challenges of prison reporting and her new memoir, Corrections in Ink.
Maggie Duffy
Moderna Plans 4,000% Markup for Covid Vaccine
The Biden administration is going to stop providing Covid vaccines for free—and Big Pharma is ready to profit from the change.
Jake Johnson
Milton Friedman Set Us Up for a 21st Century Version of Fascism
In 2023, market fundamentalism is fostering authoritarianism—in the United States and abroad.
Joseph Stiglitz
Strikes Are Stronger Than Laws
There's a simple reason why the government can't win unless you let it.
Hamilton Nolan
Rural America
Queering the Family Farm: Meet the LGBTQ Midwest Farmers Taking Food Justice Into Their Own Hands
“We’re not just raising food. We are creating safe spaces for people.”
Bennet Goldstein
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