The Wisconsin Idea

What Does Collectivist Art Look Like?
In 2022, collectives from the Global South took over the world’s most prestigious art show, and the backlash was swift.
Panthea Lee (李佩珊)
Military Budget Hike for 2023 is 3,200 Times the NLRB Increase
If a budget reveals what we value, this one should give us pause: extravagant spending for the war machine, scraps for workers.
Amy Livingston and Sarah Lazare
Rural America
Oversight Has Led to Better Housing for Migrant Farmworkers. Why Aren't Some States Doing It?
With no national regulation, employers often provide subpar housing to the migrant farmworkers who sustain the billion-dollar food industry.
Johnathan Hettinger and Sky Chadde
Elites Are Clueless, and so on
Kurt Vonnegut's words live on.
In These Times Editors
How Private Equity Gave Rise to a New Power Elite
The dominance of predatory financial firms has allowed a class of super-rich investors to exert vast control over our economic and political lives.
Heather Gautney
When Cops Tell You Who They Are, Listen
A cartoonist illustrates police union leaders’ statements, in their own words.
Johnny Damm
As Afghans Suffer, U.S. Stalls on Plan to Return Central Bank Funds
In September, the U.S. created a foundation that was supposed to unfreeze Afghanistan's foreign assets. Yet, interviews with trustees reveal that, in three months, no funds have been disbursed—or concrete plans made—to help the Afghan people.
Sarah Lazare
10 Predictions for Labor in 2023
AI's menace, institutional failures and a labor movement basking in energy not seen in decades.
Hamilton Nolan
"Defiende el Asilo" "Para Título 42 Ahora," dicen pancartas en una protesta contra Título 42.
ViewpointEn Español
Título 42 fue un desastre. Lo que sigue no se ve mucho mejor.
La terminación ordenada por la corte del Título 42 marca un paso importante hacia la restauración del acceso a las protecciones humanitarias en la frontera. Pero la administración de Biden debe hacer más para luchar contra el legado racista del programa.
Azadeh Shahshahani y Chiraayu Gosrani
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