The Wisconsin Idea

Crypto Predators Wage Class War with a Smile
The cryptocurrency bubble reveals the emperor’s new grift.
Hamilton Nolan

Elon Musk’s Takeover Through The Eyes of Twitter’s Janitors
Three weeks before the holidays, Twitter laid off its custodial staff. We spoke to them on what they saw at HQ.
Teddy Ostrow

FeatureInvestigationGoodman Institute
The City That Kicked Cops Out of Schools and Tried Restorative Practices Instead
Here’s what happens when a school rethinks punishment.
Andy Kopsa

Remember El Mozote
On December 11, 1981, El Salvador’s US-backed soldiers carried out one of the worst massacres in the history of the Americas at El Mozote.
Micah Uetricht and Branko Marcetic

ViewpointRural America
Oil Companies Have Plundered Louisiana's Coast. They Owe Us Reparations.
Native and Black communities suffering the most from coastal damage need reparations for past abuse while we fight for systemic change.
Courtney Naquin

Starbucks Union Workers Have a Holiday Wish: Don’t Buy Starbucks Gift Cards
To mark the anniversary of the Starbucks union movement, workers are holding rallies in 10 cities—and asking customers to publicly show their support.
Saurav Sarkar

To Make Debt Relief a Reality, We’ll Need to Reform the Supreme Court
The legal hurdles facing Biden’s student loan cancellation plan underscore the need to overhaul our democracy—and make debt relief universal.
Scott Remer

Golden on Learning How to Live as a Black, Queer and Trans Artist from the South
“There’s so much politicizing of trans lives and at the heart of it, I just want to wear my dress.”
Sherell Barbee

UAW Reformers Win a Historic Victory. What Comes Next?
"Get ready to negotiate with a UAW where the membership is back in charge."
Jane Slaughter