The Wisconsin Idea

“This Is What I Do”: Cori Bush on Her Journey from the Streets of Ferguson to Capitol Hill
Natalie Shure
“I Am Black Lives Matter”: Jamaal Bowman on How He’ll Bring the Movement to the House
Natalie Shure
The Squad Is Growing: A New Crew of Left Challengers Is Bringing Movement Politics to Congress
It's not just AOC, Omar, Pressley and Tlaib. This crop of organizers-turned-politicians—alongside the Squad—plans to usher in a progressive revival in the House of Representatives.
Natalie Shure
How to Fight Fascism Through Literature
Arundhati Roy’s new book "Azadi" raises important questions about how we can resist authoritarianism by expressing not only outrage but joy.
Apoorva Tadepalli
To Tame a Far-Right Supreme Court, Let’s Revive This Forgotten Proposal from 1922
The U.S. Supreme Court commands far more power than it should, but we can put it in its place. And it’s been done before.
Leon Fink
As the Housing Crisis Explodes, the Trump Admin Is Quietly Undoing Its “Eviction Moratorium”
Following a pressure campaign from landlords and real estate groups, the Trump administration is giving landlords more leeway to evict tenants.
Rebecca Burns
The Socialists and Progressives Working Outside of the Biden Campaign to Oust Trump
These grassroots groups may be reaching people the Biden campaign isn’t.
Nuala Bishari
The Electoral College is a Dangerous Relic That Threatens the Future of Our Democracy
This 18th-century artifact provided constitutional protections for slaveholders and allowed for the corruption of our electoral system. It's time to abolish it.
Joel Bleifuss
This Indigenous Peoples’ Day, We Don’t Need Celebration. We Need Our Land Back.
We’re fighting to return public lands to Indigenous people and undo the structures that allowed them to be taken in the first place. Join us.
Krystal Two Bulls and Nick Tilsen
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