The Wisconsin Idea

An Alabama Amazon Worker's Case for Unionization
Jennifer Bates, an employee of the Bessemer fulfillment center, explains why the forthcoming vote is so monumental.
Maximillian Alvarez

The Disaster in Texas Shows Why We Need to Cancel Utility Debt
After enduring heat and energy shortages, Texans are now facing sky-high utility bills. It’s time to cancel this debt—and implement a national moratorium on utility shutoffs.
Johanna Bozuwa

Can a Federal Job Guarantee Unite the Left?
Rep. Ayanna Pressley's proposal aims to achieve racial, economic and environmental justice all at once.
Hamilton Nolan

Alicia Garza on the Problem of Celebrity in Social Movements
Black Lives Matter co-founder Alicia Garza reflects on platforms and pedestals.
Alicia Garza

Joe Biden Is Following a Blueprint for Forever War
Bombing Syria and excusing the crimes of the Saudi crown prince won't bring us any closer to a withdrawal from the Middle East.
Danny Sjursen

The Young Socialists' School-to-Union Pipeline
Members of the Democratic Socialists of America are embracing the "rank and file strategy."
Indigo Olivier

God's Work: Labor in the Church
Rev. Lindsey Joyce of the Institute for Christian Socialism reflects on what it means to serve her community.
Maximillian Alvarez

Texas and Florida, Defying CDC Guidance, Aren't Prioritizing Vaccination of Farmworkers
During the pandemic, farmworkers who keep food on grocery store shelves have had to choose between risking their lives and keeping their jobs.
Frank Hernandez

Adam Curtis Wants You To Imagine Another World
The British documentarian discusses his new film, 'Can’t Get You Out of My Head,' why progressives need to ditch the term “neoliberalism,” and more.
Jacob Sugarman