The Wisconsin Idea

The Coddling of the Elites
Free speech for whom, exactly?
Hamilton Nolan
InvestigationGoodman Institute
The Catholic Church Siphoned Away $30 Million Paid to Native People for Stolen Land
Free, government-funded schools were rarely built on reservations—meaning that for many Native families, Catholic mission schools were the only option.
Mary Annette Pember
They Came to Support People Getting Out of Jail. Then They Were Attacked By Police.
Jail support outfits have not been spared police backlash.
Elizabeth King
“People’s Eyes Are Starting To Open”: How Covid-19 Is Driving Support for Medicaid Expansion
In North Carolina, canvassers are working to expand Medicaid—and finding a sympathetic audience amid the pandemic.
Allison Salerno
Rural America
Coronavirus Has Shown that Our Food System Is Broken. Now Is the Time to Make It More Resilient
Emma Burnett and Luke Owen
My University Plans to Reopen This Summer, Based on Advice From McKinsey. That’s Terrifying.
McKinsey & Company is pushing a military-style, corporate response to the Covid-19 crisis in public higher education. What we need is an anti-racist approach.
Jeffrey Helgeson
To the Texas GOP, “Freedom of Choice” During a Pandemic Means the Freedom to Die for Profit
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez
The Grassroots Efforts to Save the Lives of Immigrants Who Can’t Get Covid-19 Testing From the State
Local groups are stepping in to fill a lethal void.
Maurizio Guerrero
The Problem With Israel’s Annexation Is Its Brutality, Not Its Optics
We need strong condemnation of Israel's annexation plans, not handwringing over bad P.R.
Sandra Tamari
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