The Wisconsin Idea

A Pro-Union Case for Steel Tariffs
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President

Bernie’s Platform Could Win in Maryland’s Gov. Race, With Support From Clinton Voters
Former NAACP President Ben Jealous is building a broad coalition of progressives to take out a popular GOP governor in Maryland.
Bruce Vail

Under Fire from Unions Over MTA Comments, Cynthia Nixon Says She Wants Sacrifices from Billionaires
Kate Aronoff

Rural America
A Look at Persistent Poverty and the Rural-Urban Divide in North Carolina
Gene Nichol

It Looks Like Bill Gates’ Devotion to Child Welfare Doesn’t Extend to Children in Yemen
The billionaire philanthropist is rolling out the red carpet for Mohammed bin Salman, crown prince of Saudi Arabia, who is overseeing the mass starvation and death of children in Yemen.
Sarah Lazare

Americans Are Realizing They’ve Been Scammed By the GOP Tax Bill: Most Report Zero Pay Boost
Jessica Corbett

How Tariffs Are Playing Into Trump’s Xenophobic Agenda
Tobita Chow

The NLRB Just Dealt a Major Blow to the Fight for $15. Now’s the Time to Take Stock of the Campaign.
Max Zahn

Jane McAlevey: We Can Beat Trump, But We Need More Than Big Marches
Sarah Jaffe