The Wisconsin Idea

Working Families Party Offers Oregon Voters a Chance to Put Pro-TPP, Neoliberal Democrats on Notice
Shanti Lewallen took up the Oregon WFP’s offer to join the Senate race as its candidate. His Democratic opponent is Sen. Ron Wyden.
Kate Aronoff

Statement of the DSA National Political Committee on the 2016 Election
Dump the racist Trump, continue the political revolution down-ballot, and build multiracial coalitions and socialist organization for long-term change.
Democratic Socialists of America

Slavoj Zizek on Clinton, Trump and the Left’s Dilemma
To paraphrase Stalin: They are both worse.
Slavoj Žižek

How Bernie Sanders Supporters are Organizing to Stop the TPP
As Obama gears up for a lame-duck push on the TPP, activists target U.S. House members at home.
Kate Aronoff

Raising Hell in Arizona: Talia Fuentes Has a Plan to Revolutionize the Red State
The 31-year-old Berniecrat is running to represent Arizona's 5th Congressional District.
Theo Anderson

I Think Hillary Clinton’s Politics Are Terrible. I’m Voting For Her So We Can Grow The Left.
Vote for the opponent you want.
Jesse Myerson

The Left Is Under No Obligation To Support Hillary Clinton
Breaking the cycle of lesser evilism.
75 Members of the Democratic Socialists of America

These Are the Ballot Measures To Pay Attention To If You’re a Progressive
Key initiatives cover marijuana, plastic bags, the minimum wage, healthcare, campaign finance and election reforms.
Theo Anderson

Why We Should Be Very Worried About All the Neocons Flocking to Hillary Clinton
The GOP is falling apart—and the Democrats may end up the preferred party of foreign policy hawks.
John Feffer