The Wisconsin Idea

With 19 Arrests and More Planned, Students Just Upped the Ante for Fossil Fuel Divestment
The new round of demands for divestment have taken place at nine universities, and more are coming.
Kate Aronoff
Thanks to #BlackLivesMatter, Prosecutors Who Bungle Police Shooting Cases Face Tough Election Fights
While recognizing the limits of electoral politics, the movement has ousted two prosecutors--Anita Alvarez and Tim McGinty--and has more in its sights
Jennifer Ball
Don’t Take the Subway During Election Time
Matt Bors
Rural America
What the Candidates are Saying About Agriculture
John Collins
New Report: 90 Percent of the World’s Domestic Workers Lack Social Security Protection
Elizabeth Grossman
After Contract Talks Break Down, Nearly 40,000 Verizon Workers Set To Strike Tomorrow
David Moberg
How Bernie Sanders Can Harness the Kind of Momentum Transforming British Politics
British activists could offer lessons for Americans who are feeling the Bern about how to transition from a political campaign to a long-term, mass movement.
Kate Aronoff
The Paradox of Bernie Sanders and the Black Voter
Despite Sanders' historic election, we still don’t seem any closer to resolving the rancorous intra-left debates about race and class.
Salim Muwakkil
From Broad City to the Era of the Single, Independent Woman: Female Solidarity Has Gone Mainstream
Amy Schumer, Samantha Bee and Rebecca Traister herald a new epoch of female independence
Susan J. Douglas
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