The Wisconsin Idea

Michel Foucault, Neoliberalism and the Failures of the Left
Rather than criticizing and working against the rise of a free market-oriented liberalism, sociologist Daniel Zamora argues that Foucault was actually somewhat sympathetic to it.
Daniel Zamora and Dave Zeglen

South Korean Independent Labor Leader Faces 8 Years in Jail for Union Protests
Yi San

After Brexit, European Left Calls for ‘Massive Political Opposition’
What Europe needs more than ever to avoid a slide into a xenophobic, deflationary, 1930s-like abyss.
Nadia Prupis

A Oaxaca Teacher Explains Why Educators in Mexico Are Under Attack
A.S. Dillingham and René González Pizarro

Capitalism’s Favorite Show
Undercover Boss is a mirage.
Michael Terry

Maestros de Chicago Protestan en Solidaridad con los Educadores Oaxaqueños
Parker Asmann

Chicago Teachers Organize in Support of Mexican Colleagues After Violent Clashes in Oaxaca
Parker Asmann

A French Take on John Wayne
When a French family tries to hold on to the past, it doesn't end well.
Michael Atkinson

The Problem With the Democrats’ No Fly List Gun Control Bill
Matt Bors