The Wisconsin Idea

Chicago Activists Should Be Commended, Not Scolded, for Shutting Down Donald Trump’s Rally
Peaceful resistance doesn’t egg on Trump’s supporters—it forces them to back down.
Marilyn Katz
Four Years Since a Chicago Police Officer Killed Rekia Boyd, Justice Still Hasn’t Been Served
Rekia is not forgotten. Her spirit lives in current organizing and protests in Chicago and around the country.
Mariame Kaba
It’s Time for the Labor Movement To Pursue a New Judicial Activist Agenda
Shaun Richman
These New Co-op Apps Show How to Build Worker Power In the Age of Uber
In the apps of the "platform cooperativism" movement, workers share in the profits
Tom Ladendorf
Stranger Danger: To Resolve the Migrant Crisis We Must Recognize the Stranger Within Ourselves
It is such silence that really helps our racist enemies in that it feeds the distrust of ordinary people—(“You see, they are not telling us the truth!”)—boosting the credibility of racist rumors and lies.
Slavoj Žižek
Shutting Down Donald Trump’s Rallies Isn’t the Way To Defeat Him
Anti-Trump protesters should focus their efforts on countering his messages, not preventing him from speaking..
David Moberg
Donald Trump is Not a Populist—Not in the Original Sense, Anyway
Tapping into white, working class discontent and xenophobia does not make you a populist.
David Cochran
Why Don’t African-American Voters Feel the Bern?
Better the devil they know than the one they don't.
Peter White
Where Would Obama’s Supreme Court Nominee Merrick Garland Stand on Labor Issues?
David Moberg
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