The Wisconsin Idea

The Story Behind ‘Solidarity Forever’
The song “Solidarity Forever” still echoes symbolically in America's conscience.
Jonathan D. Rosenblum
The People’s Climate March Is Still Changing the Debate on Climate Change
Much has changed since hundreds of thousands of people marched through New York demanding climate action—and that's not a coincidence.
Robbie Lieberman
2,600 California Mental Health Care Workers On Strike Against Kaiser Permanente
Mario Vasquez
The War on Billie Holiday
The Bureau of Narcotics' strange obsession
Johann Hari
Should Rahm Emanuel Be Exempt From Ethics Laws?
Executives at firms managing Chicago pension money have made more than $600,000 in donations to the mayor, despite a city ordinance—and an executive order by Emanuel himself—restricting contributions from city contractors.
David Sirota
Bill Moyers on ‘Selma’: ‘Powerful But Flawed’ Portrayal of LBJ’s Civil Rights Record
LBJ's former White House Press Secretary says that while the film sometimes "suggests the very opposite of the truth," it's well worth watching. Staff
Charlie Hedbo’s Humorless Killers
Matt Bors
Salman Rushdie on Charlie Hebdo: ‘Vilifying … These Fallen Artists’ Is ‘Disgraceful’
The target of an infamous fatwa weighs in on satire, free speech and religion.
Terry J. Allen
In Surprise Announcement, Karen Lewis Says She Will Return to Chicago Teachers Union Next Week
Micah Uetricht
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