Working In These Times

Opposition Erupts as Chicago City Council Passes G8/NATO Summit Ordinances
Kari Lydersen
Wis. Recall Elections a Sure Thing, But New ID Law May Block Anti-Walker Vote
Roger Bybee
Some Unions Support SOPA, But Would Anti-Piracy Bill Hurt or Help Workers?
Mike Elk

After Tragedy, Apple Tries to Polish Image on Workers’ Rights
Michelle Chen

AFL-CIO’s Trumka Acknowledges Labor’s Divisions Over Keystone Pipeline
Mike Elk

When New Obama Chief of Staff Was NYU Exec, School Ceased Recognizing Union
Josh Eidelson
Goin’ Backward in Indiana: Muncie’s Omen and the Push for ‘Right to Work’
Stephen Franklin

Stranger Than Fiction: Republicans Rip ‘Vulture Capitalism,’ While Obama Praises ‘Insourcing’ Firms
Roger Bybee
Weekly Workers’ Round-Up: Auto Workers Protest, and Walker Less Than Welcome in Texas
Patrick Glennon

Worker Unrest Returns to Foxconn Factory in China
Rose Arrieta

Amid Fuel Price Crisis, Nigeria Goes on Strike
Michelle Chen
Wonk Bloggers and the Vanishing Voices of Workers
Mike Elk
Why Did Rick Santorum Flip-Flop on National ‘Right to Work’ Law?
Mike Elk

Labor Readies Goal-Line Stand Against Right-to-Work in Indiana
Roger Bybee

Struggle for Immigrants’ Rights Highlights Split Within Organized Labor
Michelle Chen
Workers Have Right to Class-Action Lawsuits Against Bosses: NLRB
Mike Elk

Republic Windows Redux? Chicago Bakery Faces Class Action Suit for Pre-Christmas Closure
Kari Lydersen

More Than a Number: Troubling Trends Behind the Dropping Unemployment Rate
Stephen Franklin