Working In These Times

Global Labor Congress Pushes Back Against ‘Austerity’
Michelle Chen

Obama’s Stance on NAFTA Rules, Military Aid Aggrieves Mexican Labor
Roger Bybee

Union: Chicago Adjuncts Fired for Organizing
Kari Lydersen

Employee or Independent Contractor? Congress Investigates Employee Misclassification
Lindsay Beyerstein
Weekly Workers’ Round-Up: Thousands Protest Bloomberg’s Cuts, Spirit Airlines Pilots Strike
Jennifer Braudaway

Will Deepwater Horizon Families Get Their Due?
Lindsay Beyerstein

Johnson Controls: Bad Faith on Both Sides of Rio Grande
Roger Bybee

Driven by Globalization, Today’s Slave Trade Thrives at Home and Abroad
Michelle Chen

Black Shirt Friday Commemorates Railroad Worker Deaths
Kari Lydersen
Senate Fights For Billionaire Fund Managers’ Tax Breaks, Blocks Jobless Aid
Art Levine

Bob King Set to Become UAW President as Calls to Restore Concessions Loom (UPDATED)
Akito Yoshikane

Defending Workers From a Bad Rap: Challenging Criminal Background Checks
Michelle Chen

Chinese Sweatshop Model Challenged, but Rulers Strike Back
Roger Bybee

OSHA: Refineries Ignore Safety, Workers Die
Lindsay Beyerstein

Come March With Us: Congress Hotel Strikers Celebrate 7th Anniversary
Kari Lydersen

Union Deaths Rise Around World, as Recession Heightens Attacks on Labor Rights
Akito Yoshikane
The ‘Blame the Teacher’ Movement, and the Public-Sector Union Crisis
Richard Greenwald

As Teachers Struggle with Obama’s Reform Agenda, ‘Merit Pay’ Gets a Demerit
Michelle Chen