Working In These Times

Supreme Court Hands Major Victory to Rail Workers—and Labor Lawyer Geoghegan
Lindsay Beyerstein
Where Have All the Labor Writers Gone?
Stephen Franklin
SLIDESHOW: In Oakland, Hunger Comprises All Races
David Bacon

Coal vs. Climate: In Copenhagen, Miners’ Union Tries to Balance Interests
Akito Yoshikane
The Good and Bad News in Labor Dept.‘s New Agenda
Celeste Monforton

NYC Reformers Rise Again—In Transit And Teamsterdom
Steve Early

Brand-New Nurses Union Aims to Ramp Up Organizing, Push for Single-Payer
David Moberg
Working Families’ Bailout Needed Urgently. But Who Will Make it Happen?
Roger Bybee
It’s Official: Three Unions Merge to Form Nurses ‘Super Union’
Lindsay Beyerstein

A Penny for Our Work: Florida Farmworkers Protest Grocer
Emily Udell
Senators Move To Shred Public Option, Fool Progressives While Unions Fight Back
Art Levine
Old Criminal Records Are Life Sentences in Job Market
Seth Wessler

Forging International Labor Solidarity in Wartime No Easy Task
Kari Lydersen

Labor Praises Jobs Summit, Calls For Action—But Obama Sending Mixed Signals on Major Spending
Art Levine
Unemployment Toll: $1 Trillion in Lost Wages
David Moberg

Working in the Shadows: Undercover Writer Sheds Light on Immigrant Labor
Kari Lydersen

Guns and Butter: Labor Takes on Afghanistan
Michelle Chen

Grassroots Movement Grows in Mexico, as Unionists Escalate Opposition to Government
Micah Uetricht