Working In These Times

What If the Daily Grind Were Just Four Days A Week?
Michelle Chen
Mining Programs Provide Job Training for Inmates. But Are They Worth It?
Emily Udell
Netroots vs. Unions: Labor Pushing to Fix Rather Than Torpedo Senate Health Bill
Art Levine

‘Revolutionary Lemonade Stand’ Makes Labor Struggles Fashionable
Kari Lydersen

In Bungled Reform Battle, Building Blocks for Progressive Healthcare Workforce
Michelle Chen

The Dollar General Deal: Report Alleges Abuses at Chinese Plants
Stephen Franklin
Upstart Union Deals Blow to SEIU, Raises Prospects for Future Fights
David Moberg

Relief for Asbestos Mining Town Buried in Health Care Bill
Michelle Chen
Uptick in Japan’s Union Members Mirrors U.S. Trend
Akito Yoshikane
The Gift America Needs Most: Manufacturing
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President

Urban Communities Seek Lift Through Living Wage
Michelle Chen

One Year After: Republic Workers Face Hard Times With High Hopes
Kari Lydersen

More News From the Jobless Recovery: Workers Getting Less for Doing More
Art Levine

HandyDART Drivers Strike For Pensions
Lindsay Beyerstein
Ole Ole! Chicago Restaurant Workers Begin Negotiations
Kari Lydersen
The Economist’s Absurd Attack on ‘Spoiled’ Public-Sector Workers
Mischa Gaus
End-of-Week Wrap-Up: Janitors, Housekeepers and Rabbis
Diana Novak
Fletcher Jr. and Lichtenstein on ‘SEIU’s Civil War’
Jeremy Gantz