Bryce Covert is an independent journalist writing about the economy. She is a reporter in residence at the Omidyar Network and a contributing writer at The Nation. Her writing has appeared in the New York Times, Time Magazine, the Washington Post, New York Magazine, Wired, the New Republic, Slate and others. She won a 2016 Exceptional Merit in Media Award from the National Women’s Political Caucus and the John Swett Merit Certificate from the California Teachers Association in both 2019 and 2022. She has appeared on ABC, CBS, MSNBC, NPR and other outlets.

FeatureInvestigationGoodman Institute
More Than a Year After Mississippi Forced Her To Give Birth, It Still Hasn’t Offered Any Extra Help
Since we first profiled her, Lationna has returned to work, her son Kingsley is crawling—and the family is still just treading water.
Bryce Covert

FeatureInvestigationGoodman Institute
What It's Like to Have an Abortion Denied by Dobbs
Dobbs will throw many lives into disarray. Lationna Halbert’s is one of the first.
Bryce Covert

The Latest Argument Against Abortion Rights: It's Not Hard to Be a Working Mom
Experts and working moms blast the absurdity of this key argument being used to take down abortion rights.
Bryce Covert

The $250 Difference: A Lifeline for Working Families May Disappear this December
Most U.S. welfare programs are either targeted or means-tested — the Child Tax Credit breaks this mold.
Bryce Covert

"Band Aid Over a Bullet Wound": Moratorium Leaves Organizers Relieved, But Braced for New Battles
Activists sound a note of cautious celebration, but say far more is needed to address this country's staggering housing crisis.
Bryce Covert

Philadelphia Just Passed the Strongest Fair Scheduling Law in the Nation
Bryce Covert

Why We Should Take Weight Discrimination Seriously As a Workers’ Rights Issue
Bryce Covert

Why Labor Is Holding Its Applause for Michigan’s Latest “Workers’ Rights” Measures
Bryce Covert

Southern Cities Are Passing Paid Sick Leave—But Republicans Won’t Let Them Have It
Bryce Covert

A Nationwide Campaign to Take Back Cities From the Corporations That Rule Them
Bryce Covert

Why 50,000 Las Vegas Workers Are on the Verge of Striking
Bryce Covert

Serfdom in the Magic Kingdom: Disney Workers Rise Up Against Poverty Wages
The happiest place on earth pays so little that some of its workers are homeless.
Bryce Covert

The VA Is the Closest Thing We Have to Single Payer. Now Trump Wants to Privatize It.
Bryce Covert

Amid a Fast-Food Industry Plagued By Sexual Harassment, This Mother and Daughter Said “No More”
Bryce Covert

Trump’s Jobs Claims in His State of the Union Speech Simply Don’t Add Up
Bryce Covert

Houston Is Being Rebuilt on a Foundation of Wage Theft
The exploitation after the storm.
Bryce Covert

Carrier Workers Are Livid After Facing Layoffs Despite Trump’s Promises
Bryce Covert

White Lawmakers Are Using Alabama’s Racist State Constitution To Keep Black Wages Down
Alabama wrote its 1901 constitution to “establish white supremacy.” Workers in a majority-black city say it’s Jim Crow all over again.
Bryce Covert