Former Sec. of State Colin Powell strongly endorses Obama for president, while offering his critique of the direction of the Republican Party and John McCain’s selection of Sarah Palin. Glenn Greenwald has more.
The New York Times explores the psychological impact of the outbreak of extreme gang violence on Mexican children.
Also from the Times: a medical dossier on the presidential and vice-presidential candidates and an overture about why the public needs to know. To wit:
There may be no serious problems with the health of any of the nominees. But absent fuller disclosure, there is no way for the electorate to know. The health of the four nominees is a matter of concern because in the past a number of candidates, and in some cases their doctors and aides, have distorted, kept secret or spoken about the facts only at the last minute when medical events forced the issue. Examples include Senator Thomas F. Eagleton (depression), Senator Paul E. Tsongas (cancer), Senator Bill Bradley (heart rhythm abnormality) and, as a vice-presidential nominee, Dick Cheney (heart disease).
The Washington Post asks how the recent decline in oil prices will affect the alternative fuel/hybrid industry.
Dan Dineen, a graduate of Loyola University Chicago, is Deputy Publisher of In These Times.