Adam H. Johnson is a media analyst and co-host of the Citations Needed podcast.

New York Times Repeats U.S. Government’s Evidence-Free Claim That Gaza Protests Are Part of Iranian Plot
Where is the actual evidence that Iranian operatives “posing as students” are helping organize and fund campus protests over the war on Gaza?
Adam Johnson
ViewpointElection 2024
4 Talking Points Used to Smear DNC Protesters—And Why They’re Bogus
As the Democratic National Convention descends on Chicago, protesters are taking to the streets demanding an end to U.S. support for the genocide in Gaza. Don’t buy the arguments of those criticizing them.
Adam Johnson
Unions Demanding an End to Israel Military Aid Is a Welcome Escalation
While the Biden administration uses rhetorical tricks and delay tactics, labor unions are pressuring the White House to end the war by embracing an increasingly popular demand: “not one more bomb.”
Adam Johnson
ViewpointElection 2024
The Best Counter to Project 2025 Is a Progressive Project 2025
If President Biden—or any Democratic replacement—wants to get back in the race, they need a positive moral vision to run on, not just dire warnings.
Adam Johnson
ViewpointElection 2024
Biden Bombed, But CNN Debate Moderators Set a New Benchmark for Cynicism
While the debate was a nightmare for team Biden, the moderators gave Trump's lies free rein—and ensured that it wasn't much of a debate at all.
Adam Johnson
The Myth of the "Poll-Driven" Democrat Is Cover for Conservative Policy Preferences
Selective "popularism" is being used by the Democratic Party establishment to pursue reactionary ideological goals.
Adam Johnson
Gaza Has Exposed Journalistic and Academic “Neutrality” as the Conservative Deflection It Always Was
After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, elite liberal institutions had no problem picking a side. After 37,000 Palestinians are killed by Israel—things are now more complicated.
Adam Johnson
ViewpointElection 2024
Unable to Defend Biden’s Gaza Policy on Its Merits, Elite Pundits Turn to Anti-Zoomer Psychobabble
According to mainstream commentators, kids these days are opposing U.S.-backed mass killing because of Chinese psyops, rigid groupthink and social contagion.
Adam Johnson
Here are 3 Ways the U.S. Media Tries to Justify Israel’s Attacks on Civilians in Gaza
From the use of terms such as “human shields,” “terror tunnels” and “Hamas strongholds,” media outlets are covering for Israel’s devastating bombing campaign on Palestinians.
Adam Johnson
While Democrats Call for Gun Control at Home, They Push Deadly Arms Deals Abroad
To seriously address the scourge of gun violence, we must oppose U.S. militarism around the globe. Many leading Democrats haven’t gotten the message.
Adam Johnson
If the New York Times Wanted Ideological Diversity, Why Not Hire a Socialist?
To the Times, Bret Stephens' racism and climate denial are more acceptable than leftism.
Adam Johnson
Once Again, Corporate Media Unites To Support U.S. Escalation in the Middle East
Trump's latest aggression against the Assad regime has won him fans in editorial boards nationwide.
Adam Johnson
Surprise: David Brooks Is Dead Wrong on the Women’s March
The New York Times columnist used the biggest protests in U.S. history as an excuse for another boilerplate centrist rant.
Adam Johnson
Rural America
Troubled Human Celebrates Coal Miners Losing Health Insurance
Adam Johnson
Hey, Pundits: Stop Blaming Millennials For Trump—They Aren’t the Ones Voting for Him
Journalists who pin the rise of Trump on falling civic education standards ignore that young people are the least likely to vote for him.
Adam Johnson
U.S.-Led Airstrikes Just Killed 85 Syrian Civilians—And the Corporate Media Looked Away
More died than in last week's Nice, France attack, but far fewer words were written.
Adam Johnson
Washington Post Squeezes Four Anti-Bernie Sanders Stories Out of One Tax Study in Just 7 Hours
The paper seems bent on taking down Bernie.
Adam Johnson
Shockingly, the Washington Post Investigated Itself for Anti-Bernie Sanders Bias and Found None
The paper had just run 16 negative stories about Sanders in 16 hours.
Adam Johnson
The Washington Post Ran 16 Negative Stories on Bernie Sanders in 16 Hours
This has to be some kind of record.
Adam Johnson
Bernie Sanders Won All Major Polls, But Corporate Media Declared Hillary Clinton the Debate Winner
Bernie Sanders by all objective measures "won" the debate.
Adam Johnson