Art Levine, a contributing editor of The Washington Monthly, has written for Mother Jones, The American Prospect, The New Republic, The Atlantic,, and numerous other publications.
Listen to the Nurses: Up to 40% of Hospitals Not Ready for Swine Flu
Art Levine
Unions, AARP, Sebelius Fighting Scare Tactics Targeting Elderly and Medicare
Art Levine
Public Option Model: Labor Leaders, Bush Economist Cite San Fran Experiment
Art Levine
What Will Progressives, Unions Do if ‘Public Option’ is Dropped?
Art Levine
Dems, Unions, Allies Pushing Back For Reform in Ads, Town Halls, Attacks on Blue Dogs
Art Levine
GOP Tacitly Accepts Mob Violence While Progressives Step Up Reform Drive
Art Levine
Are Progressives the New ‘Silent Majority’ in Healthcare Debate?
Art Levine
How the Mainstream Media Fuels Right-Wing Lies On Healthcare Reform
Art Levine
The (Political) Guns of August: Make-or-Break for Progressives on Healthcare
Art Levine
Scandal-linked “The Family” Says: Jesus Wants You to Bust Unions
Art Levine
How Labor, Grassroots Activists Say They Will Help Save Health Care Reform
Art Levine
Big Business Lobbies to Save Tax Breaks Spurring Plant Closings
Art Levine
Wake-Up Call for GOP’s “Values” Hypocrites: Unions Are Pro-Family, Report Finds
Art Levine
In Arkansas Heat, 1,500 March for Free Choice Act and Senate Action
Art Levine
Newt Gingrich Fights Pope, Al Franken, Public on Union Rights
Art Levine
Why Does the Chamber of Commerce Oppose Arbitration For Union Workers?
Art Levine
As Senators Huddle Over Bill, Pro-Labor Ads Pressure Wavering Dems
Art Levine
Grassroots Labor Pressure on Specter: “He Knows When There’s a Fire Under His Ass”
Art Levine
Talking Heads Say All Unionized Business Fail as 1,000 Execs Endorse Pro-Union Bill
Art Levine
Shilling on the Corporate Dollar
Business-sponsored ‘scholars’ deliver anti-union talking points.
Art Levine
Romney, Chamber Anti-EFCA PR Blitz Ignores Reality
Art Levine
Corporations Widely Using Wal-Mart Tactics, New Unionbusting Report Finds
Art Levine
Dick Cheney Battles Clergy Over Employee Free Choice Act
Art Levine
What’s Obama Done for Workers in His First 100 Days? Plenty.
Art Levine
Local Media Challenged DC Pundits’ Anti-Union Spin—And Pushed Specter
Art Levine
With Friends Like These…Robert Reich’s “Mistakes” on Employee Free Choice Ac
Art Levine
Faux-Populist “Tea Parties” Ignore Tax Breaks for Overpaid CEOs
Art Levine
After Specter’s EFCA Flip-Flop: How Unions’ Grassroots Power Can Trump Joe the Plumber
Art Levine
The EFCA Battle is Joined
Unions and allies are fighting the anti-Employee Free Choice Act “Meltdown Lobby” with an IRS complaint and grassroots campaigns.
Art Levine
Union Allies Fight Against GOP “Meltdown Lobby” With IRS Complaint, Grassroots Campaigns
Art Levine
How The Solis Confirmation Boosts Obama’s Economic Recovery
Art Levine
Business Lobby Scrambling as Pro-Union Activists Rally on Hill Wednesday
Art Levine
New Report Shows Sharp Union Growth —Despite Unionbusting
Art Levine
Human Rights Watch Backs Employee Free Choice Act—Congress to Probe Anti-Union Scheme?
Art Levine
GOP plays “chicken” with economy in fight over Solis, Employee Free Choice Act
Art Levine
Surprise! Anti-Free Choice Act Washington Post Distorts Obama Interview on Unions
Art Levine
Can the Unions Beat Dr. Evil and Corporate Shills In the Ad and Lobbying Wars?
Art Levine
Dr. Evil is BAAAACK!’s new anti-union campaign repeats “Secret Ballot&#82
Art Levine
Fair Pay: Decent Wages Must Be Part of Obama’s Jobs Package
Art Levine
Have Anti-Union Ads Flopped? New Poll Shows 78% Favor Employee Free Choice Act
Art Levine
The Horror, the Horror!: GOP, Business Alarmed Over Fair Pay for Women Bills Facing Votes
Art Levine
How Obama Can Fix The Other Disaster in Bush’s Legacy: The War on Workers
Art Levine
Unionbusting Confidential
To keep out organized labor, you need the union-busting law firm Jackson Lewis
Art Levine
The Bush Administration’s New Target: Uninsured Kids
Fighting against SCHIP is Bush's first salvo in the battle for major health care reform
Art Levine
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